I begin by discussing the use of pattern languages as lingua franca for supporting communication among the diverse parties to the design process. Next, I describe an example of the emergence of a lingua franca during the process of re-designing a small town, and the ways in which it enabled the community to shape its own future. I conclude by suggesting that pattern languages which describe a w...
:The Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education2022
Blended learning which synthesizes face-to-face instruction with distance education opportunities in educationally meaningful ways aims to take advantage of the affordances both genuine and virtual types teaching ubiquitously equip learners without limitation time space. has been integrated into several pre-service teacher courses soundly cultivate candidates efficient use online class time. Ye...
Manufacturers need to create a lingua franca that extends throughout the supply chain ecosystem, in order to generate insights from the digital data encircling their employees, partners, processes and customers.