نتایج جستجو برای: emoticon
تعداد نتایج: 5954 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
Der B e i t r a g b e f a s s t e i c h N i t e inem f u r k ~ u s t l i c h e D i a l o g sys teme w i c h t i g e n Problem de r Zuordnung yon P r a g e A n t w o r t Paa r en . E ine z e n t r a l e R o l l s e p i e l t da be i de r B e g r i f f de r Ant wor t a u f e i n e F rage . Es ward devon ausgegangen , dass J e de r F r a g e s a t z d i s ft~r d i e I d e n t i f i k a t i o n e i...
We denote by r'( G I , G2 ) the ramsey number of two graphs and G2 • If Tp+l is a tree of order p + 1 which is not a star, and if jJ is not a divisor of the positive integer q 1, then we shall show that r(Tp+b ](l,q) ::; p + q 1, and we shall describe some trees and stars for which equality holds. Furthermore. we detf'rmine the ramsey numbers r(T;+l' Tq*+l) for p, q ~ 4, where T~ denotes a tree...
Ref. #: ProS-TR-2011-04 Title: Integration of Communication Analysis and the OO-Method: Rules for the manual derivation of the Conceptual Model Author (s): Sergio España, Arturo González, Óscar Pastor, Marcela Ruiz Corresponding author (s): Sergio España [email protected] Marcela Ruiz [email protected] Document version number: 2.0 Final version: NO Pages: 38 Release date: May 2011
You could argue that HIV prevention education in this country exists in the long shadow cast by the ‘Grim Reaper’, which appeared as part of a general HIV awareness campaign for less than three weeks in 1987. Focus groups conducted to explore fear appeals in the context of the current epidemic, consisting (in part) of young gay men who were in their infancy when the Grim Reaper appeared on tele...
1 . D i a g n o s i s : c . G r a n u l o m a o f t h e c o n j u n c t i v a f o l l o w i n g t r i c h i a s i s s u r g e r y . T h i s m a y o c c u r 6 w e e k s t o 6 m o n t h s a f t e r t h e o p e r a t i o n . 2 . R i s k f a c t o r s : c . T h e c o m m o n e s t c a u s e i s r e t e n t i o n o f a f r a g m e n t o f n o n a b s o r b a b l e s...
I present the basic formulae for slepton production in e+e− and e−e− collisions in an especially simple form, using a helicity basis. This parametrization introduces the useful neutralino functions to connect the neutralino eigenstates to observable cross sections. to appear in the proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Electron-Electron Interactions at TeV Energies Santa Cruz, Cal...
In this article we describe the summit sets in B3, the smallest element in a summit set and we compute the Hilbert series corresponding to conjugacy classes. The results will be related to Birman-Menesco classification of knots with braid index three or less than three.
s[v] = preo[v] s[w] = prvo[w] ∀w ∈ vars(prvo) s[Ov] = o s[Ow] = frozen ∀w ∈ vars(prvo) s[Cw] = v ∀w ∈ vars(prvo) We show that all operators o′ that interfere with Fire(o) are not applicable in s. Thus Fire(o) is the only applicable operator in Ts. Second, we show that for all these operators o′ ∈ Ts (except for Fire(o)), Ts already contains a necessary enabling set for o′ in s. Let u 6= Fire(o)...
0 7 4 0 7 4 5 9 / 0 3 / $ 1 7 . 0 0 © 2 0 0 3 I E E E damage. But even if the software does exactly what it was specified to do, it still might not be safe if the operation scenario was unknown or not previously evaluated.1 The verification of all important aspects of safety-critical systems is obligatory, because it can save human lives and material resources.2 An important part of safety anal...
When viewed at an appropriate scale, a disordered medium can behave as if it is strictly less than three dimensional. As fractals typically have non-integer dimensions, they are natural models for disordered media, and diiusion on fractals can be used to model transport in disordered media. In particular, such diiusion processes can be used to obtain bounds on the fundamental solution to the he...
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