نتایج جستجو برای: ompli
تعداد نتایج: 21 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
Mi ron-sized ir umplanetary dust parti les are subje t to various non-gravitational perturbations, prin ipally solar radiation pressure and ele tromagneti for es, whi h are typi ally a few per ent as strong as the planetary gravity. Individually, these perturbations an ause some orbital evolution, but when the perturbations a t in on ert the ex ursions an be mu h larger. We demonstrate this e e...
It seems silly and impractical: to write a garbage collector (for a Prolog engine) in Prolog itself. However, there are at least three advantages in doing so: (1) one gets a runnable specification of the garbage collector, (2) it can enhance understanding of the algorithms involved without having to worry about gory pointer details, (3) the garbage collector written in Prolog can be used for de...
Fourier Transforms have been available for PureData for a long time. However they have never been applied to pixels, not ounting the possibility that someone onverted an image to sound in order to use [ t~℄ on it, whi h is fastidious and is still just a one-dimensional transform. This paper exposes the possibilities of using Fourier Transforms on whole images and on sequen es of them that enabl...
We revisit the lassi al te hnique of ellipti grid generation with harmoni mappings. For the determination of the ontrol fun tions we use the framework developed by Spekreijse [1℄. However, instead with nite di eren es we dis retize the underlying partial di erential equation with a B-spline ollo ation method in order to work dire tly with the native data representations of our CAGD system. This...
F ELIX HERN ANDEZ-CAMPOS: Generation and Validation of Empiri ally-Derived TCP Appli ation Workloads. (Under the dire tion of Kevin Je ay) This dissertation proposes and evaluates a new approa h for generating realisti traÆ in networking experiments. The main problem solved by our approa h is generating losedloop traÆ onsistent with the behavior of the entire set of appli ations in modern traÆ ...
s a f e t y : t h e o r e m p r o v e r f e e d b a c k Fig. 1. S heme of proving safety statements When a safe data abstra tion is obtained, veri ation of the model against a property an start. First, the abstra t data type and fun tion de nitions are inserted into the system spe i ation substituting the on rete de nitions of the original model. Next, the abstra t model together with the prope...
Large s ale system development and maintenan e proje ts often need to build s a olding|tools that help build the target system|that is ustomized to the proje t. For some lasses of tools, the ost barrier is too high to onsider implementing ustomized support that might be bene ial to the proje t, and thus the proje t makes do with whatever o -the-shelf support is available. Run-time monitoring an...
The stability of onstantoe ients semi-impli it s hemes for the hydrostati primitive equations and the fully elasti Euler equations in presen e of expli itly treated thermal residuals has been theoreti ally examined in the earlier literature, but only for the ase of a at terrain. This paper extends these analyses to the ase where an orography is present, in the shape of a uniform slope. It is sh...
Software-based ontrollers for physi al devi es and pro esses must provide both algorithmi fun tionality, whi h is the usual fo us of omputer programming, and timely management of events. Combining these essential aspe ts is the hallenge of real-time programming. This paper takes a fresh look at the fundamental issues of this dis ipline and proposes a syntheti approa h that an provide ertain gua...
A new `Wavelet Energeti s' te hnique, based on `best-shift' orthonormal wavelet analysis (OWA) of a given instantaneous synopti map, is onstru ted for diagnosing nonlinear kineti -energeti transfers in observed blo king ases. Best-shift analysis represents longitudinal varian e of latitude-mean blo king stru tures at 50 kPa mu h more eÆ iently than does standard OWA, even for stru tures evolvin...
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