نتایج جستجو برای: localic algebra

تعداد نتایج: 69856  

Journal: :Applied Categorical Structures 2013
Jorge Picado Ales Pultr

Due to the nature of product in the category of locales, the entourage uniformities in the point-free context only mimic the classical Weil approach while the cover (Tukey type) ones can be viewed as an immediate extension. Nevertheless the resulting categories are concretely isomorphic. We present a transparent construction of this isomorphism, and apply it to the natural uniformities of local...


The relation between the cover (Tukey type) uniformities and the entourage (Weil type) ones, in the point-free context, is studied and a transparent translation is presented. In particular the natural uniformities on localic groups are discussed, and the uniformity of localic group homomorphisms is proved.

Journal: :Advances in Mathematics 2003

Journal: :Int. J. Math. Mathematical Sciences 2007
Kamal El-Saady M. Y. Bakier

The notions of L-sobriety and L-spatiality are introduced for the category L-BiTop of Lbitopological spaces. Such notions are used to extend the known adjunction between the category L-Top of L-topological spaces and the category Loc of locals to one between the category L-BiTop and BiLoc. Also, the concepts of localic regularity and localic compactness are introduced in the mentioned category.

Pedro Resende

We establish a close and previously unknown relation between quantales and groupoids, in terms of which the notion of étale groupoid is subsumed in a natural way by that of quantale. In particular, to each étale groupoid, either localic or topological, there is associated a unital involutive quantale. We obtain a bijective correspondence between localic étale groupoids and their quantales, whic...

Journal: :Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1997


Krull dimension measures the depth of the spectrum Spec(R) of a commutative ring R. Since Spec(R) is a spectral space, Krull dimension can be defined for spectral spaces. Utilizing Stone duality, it can also be defined for distributive lattices. For an arbitrary topological space, the notion of Krull dimension is less useful. Isbell [23] remedied this by introducing the concept of graduated dim...

Journal: :Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2009


1.2. Morphisms between locales. We introduced the above ideas using a map of simplicial sets f : X → Y , but in actuality the definitions of F∗ and F∗ work whenever F is a open morphism of locales, as we shall soon see. To get to that point, however, it is best to start all over, by taking X and Y to be arbitrary locales and considering an arbitrary adjunction f∗ : Y //X : f∗ oo as a morphism F...

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