:the archives of bone and joint surgery
tessa drijkoningen orthopaedic hand and upper extremity service,
massachusetts general hospital, boston, usa
robert knotter emergency department, reinier de graaf gasthuis, delft,
the netherlands
frank j. beeres surgery department, medisch centrum haaglanden, den
haag, the netherlands
emile g. coerkamp radiology department, medisch centrum haaglanden,
den haag, the netherlands
anton h.j. koning department of bioinformatics, erasmus mc university
medical center, rotterdam, netherlands
steven j. rhemrev surgery department, medisch centrum haaglanden, den
haag, the netherlands
background: the i-space is a radiological imaging system in which computed tomography (ct)-scans can be evaluated as a three dimensional hologram. the aim of this study is to analyze the value of virtual reality (i-space) in diagnosing acute occult scaphoid fractures. methods: a convenient cohort of 24 patients with a ct-scan from prior studies, without a scaphoid fracture on radiograph, yet ...