نتایج جستجو برای: creening
تعداد نتایج: 36 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
1 eceived August 5, 2003; evised and accepted ovember 18, 2003. eprint requests: Tarun ain, M.D., Department of bstetrics and ynecology, University of llinois at Chicago, 820 outh Wood Street, hicago, Illinois 60612 FAX: 312-996-4238; Eail: [email protected]). Division of Reproductive ndocrinology and nfertility, Department of bstetrics and ynecology, Brigham and omen’s Hospital, Harvard edical...
The paper calculates regional generalized cost-effectiveness estimates of screening, prevention, treatment and combined interventions for cervical cancer. Using standardised WHO-CHOICE methodology, a cervical cancer model was employed to provide estimates of screening, vaccination and treatment effectiveness. Intervention effectiveness was determined via a population state-transition model (Pop...
ancer is the second leading cause of death in the U.S., causing approximately one in every four deaths. In 2003, more than 556,000 Amercans died of cancer. Among men, the majority of hese deaths were due to lung (31%), prostate (10%), nd colorectal cancers (10%). Among women, most eaths were from lung (25%), breast (15%), and olorectal cancers (10%), with an additional 1% from ervical cancers. ...
ackground & Aims: Alarm features such as dysphaia, weight loss, or anemia raise concern of an upper astrointestinal malignancy in patients with dyspepia. The aim of this study was to determine the diagostic accuracy of alarm features in predicting maligancy by performing a metaanalysis based on the ublished literature. Methods: English-language studes were identified by searching MEDLINE, EMBAS...
hanks to the efforts of Dr. Robert Guthrie at the beginning f the sixties, neonatal screening has become a true diagnosic tool for diseases that, if not detected early, can result in mportant complications to the health of the child.1 Today, eonatal screening represents one of themain advances in the revention of pediatric diseases, and is based on diagnosing athologies that are relatively freq...
Polymer microstructures are incorporated in biomicroelectromechanical system (BioMEMS) devices with applications ranging from drug creening to defense applications. Nanomechanical characterization of the polymer components must be carried out in order to design reliable evices. This paper presents the nanoindentation characterization of polymer beams fabricated through soft lithography-based te...
ickle cell disease is a global health problem that ffects > 300,000 newborns per year, predominantly in Subaharan Africa,1 where mortality is estimated to be > 50% y age 5 years for those with homozygous hemoglobin S HbSS).1 In Brazil, there are estimated to be > 30,000 indiiduals with sickle cell disease and 2,500 newborns per ear, making this the most common genetic disorder in the ountry.2 A...
SEE PAGE 1250 S creening for lipid disorders in childhood and adolescence has been controversial. Although it is well documented that atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is the number 1 cause of death in the United States and that elevated cholesterol, particularly low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), is a major risk factor for the development of disease (1), many issues regarding sc...
The first session of the congress was entitled “in the memory of ean Jacque Lefrère”, eminent professor of Hematology and Virology nd researcher. He was professor of Hematology at the Paris Descartes Univerity, director of the National Institute of Blood Transfusion, national xpert in transfusion and transfusion security, prions, viruses and lood related transmissible agents. He published more ...
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