and po.biu, v), («, v), has been considered by a number of writers. Gergen and Littauer [4, Theorems IV and V] have treated the problem of the boundedness, and convergence in the Pringsheim sense, of ...
Abstract The concept of $$\mu $$ μ -strong Cesaro summability at infinity for a locally integrable function is introduced in this work. -statistical convergence also considered and the relationship between these two concepts established. \left[ p\right] p </mml:mfence...
The present paper is motivated by the observation that Weyl's equidistribution theorem for real sequences on a bounded interval can be formulated in a way which is also meaningful for sequences of self-adjoint operators on a hilbert space. We shall provide general results on weak convergence of operator measures which yield this version of Weyl's theorem as a corollary. Further, by combining th...