نتایج جستجو برای: unital ideal

تعداد نتایج: 88085  


In this paper we study the problem of when the corona algebra of a non-unital C∗-algebra is purely infinite. A complete answer is obtained for stabilisations of simple and unital algebras that have enough comparison of positive elements. Our result relates the pure infiniteness condition (from its strongest to weakest forms) to the geometry of the tracial simplex of the algebra, and to the beha...

Volodymyr Lyubashenko

Assuming that B is a full A∞-subcategory of a unital A∞-category C we construct the quotient unital A∞-category D =‘C/B’. It represents the A u ∞-2-functor A 7→ A∞(C,A)modB, which associates with a given unital A∞-category A the A∞-category of unital A∞-functors C → A, whose restriction to B is contractible. Namely, there is a unital A∞-functor e : C → D such that the composition B →֒ C e −→ D i...


Let f : A → B be a ring homomorphism of not necessarily unital rings and I ⊳ A an ideal which is mapped by f isomorphically to an ideal of B. The obstruction to excision in K-theory is the failure of the map between relative K-groups K∗(A : I) → K∗(B : f(I)) to be an isomorphism; it is measured by the birelative groups K∗(A,B : I). Similarly the groups HN∗(A,B : I) measure the obstruction to ex...

Huaxin Lin

Let C be a unital AH-algebra and let A be a unital separable simple C-algebra with tracial rank no more than one. Suppose that φ, ψ : C → A are two unital monomorphisms. With some restriction on C, we show that φ and ψ are approximately unitarily equivalent if and only if [φ] = [ψ] in KL(C,A) τ ◦ φ = τ ◦ ψ for all tracial states of A and φ = ψ, where φ and ψ are homomorphisms from U0(C)/CU(C) →...


Abstract. We define a BV-structure on the Hochschild-cohomology of a unital, associative algebra A with a symmetric, invariant and non-degenerate inner product. The induced Gerstenhaber algebra is the one described in Gerstenhaber’s original paper on Hochschild-cohomology. We also prove the corresponding theorem in the homotopy case, namely we define the BV-structure on the Hochschild-cohomolog...

Huaxin Lin

Let A be a unital simple AT-algebra of real rank zero. Given an isomorphism γ1 : K1(A)→ K1(A), we show that there is an automorphism α : A → A such that α∗1 = γ1 which has the tracial Rokhlin property. Consequently, the crossed product A ⋊α Z is a simple unital AH-algebra with real rank zero. We also show that automorphism with Rokhlin property can be constructed from minimal homeomorphisms on ...


We show that if T is an isometry (as metric spaces) from an open subgroup of the group of the invertible elements in a unital semisimple commutative Banach algebra onto an open subgroup of the group of the invertible elements in a unital Banach algebra, then T (1)T is an isometrical group isomorphism. In particular, T (1)T is extended to an isometrical real algebra isomorphism from A onto B.

Volodymyr Lyubashenko

Let C be the differential graded category of differential graded k-modules. We prove that the Yoneda A∞-functor Y : A op → A∞(A,C) is a full embedding for an arbitrary unital A∞-category A. Since A∞-algebras were introduced by Stasheff [Sta63, II] there existed a possibility to consider A∞-generalizations of categories. It did not happen until A∞-categories were encountered in studies of mirror...

T. Y. Lam

In this paper, we introduce a general theory of corner rings in noncommutative rings that generalizes the classical notion of Peirce decompositions with respect to idempotents. Two basic types of corners are the Peirce corners eRe (e2 = e) and the unital corners (corners containing the identity of R). A general corner is both a unital corner of a Peirce corner, and a Peirce corner of a unital c...

Rich Schwartz

Basic Definition: Let R be a commutative ring with 1. A (unital) R-module is an abelian group M together with a operation R ×M → M , usually just written as rv when r ∈ R and v ∈ M . This operation is called scaling . The scaling operation satisfies the following conditions. 1. 1v = v for all v ∈M . 2. (rs)v = r(sv) for all r, s ∈ R and all v ∈M . 3. (r + s)v = rv + sv for all r, s ∈ R and all ...

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