We study the problem of computing conjunctive queries over large databases on parallelarchitectures without shared storage. Using the structure of such a query q and the skew in thedata, we study tradeoffs between the number of processors, the number of rounds of commu-nication, and the per-processor load – the number of bits each processor can send or can receivein a single rou...
The topological indices, defined as the sum of contributions of all pairs of vertices (among which are the Wiener, Harary, hyper–Wiener indices, degree distance, and many others), are expressed in terms of contributions of edges and pairs of edges.
The Massively Parallel Computation (MPC) model is an emerging that distills core aspects of distributed and parallel computation, developed as a tool to solve combinatorial (typically graph) problems in systems many machines with limited space. Recent work has focused on the regime which have sublinear (in n , number nodes input space, randomized algorithms presented for fundamental Maximal Mat...