نتایج جستجو برای: otherness

تعداد نتایج: 891  


This research focuses on the impact of migration Cultural identity Francophones in diaspora. It explores fascinating role Culture and national regional integration. Examining experiences francophone immigrants from diaspora, study shows how ‘otherness’ affects immigrants’ capability to self-assert adapt reclaim their Africaness homeland. Two sets are presented; forced immigrant (Slavery), with ...

Journal: :Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 2023

Abstract In recent years, online “involuntary celibate” or “incel” communities have been linked to various deadly attacks targeting women. Why do these men react romantic rejection with not just disappointment, but murderous rage? Feminists claimed this is because incels desire women as objects or, alternatively, they feel entitled women's attention. I argue that both of explanatory models are ...

Journal: : 2023

The aim of the article is to show potential theatrical art in intercultural education, and more specifically process taming broadly understood Otherness. first part study presents conceptual categories: Other Stranger perspective education. intentions are also characterized, with particular focus on theatre emphasizing role activities developing attitudes tolerance towards cultural diversity. m...

Journal: :Critical Studies in Television: The International Journal of Television Studies 2019

Journal: :The European zoological journal 2021

The fecundity and sexual structure of weatherfish (Misgurnus fossilis) population, an inperilled protected freshwater fish with a poorly known life history, was studied in three waterbodies: the River Ner, Południowy canal Nowy Rów (Poland) differing hydrological character. We compared reproductive traits; i.e. sex ratio, absolute relative fecundity, oocyte size, gonado-somatic index body condi...

Journal: :Modern Languages Open 2023

In spite of a burgeoning recognition the Welsh language as part wider appreciation culture at beginning nineteenth century (see Constantine 2014: 124), Home Tour writing about Wales remained largely Anglocentric (Borm, quoted in Colbert 2012: 85). The journals written by lady’s companions, Eliza and Millicent Bant, 1806 1808 respectively, present complicated view, one which multifarious o...

Journal: :فلسفه 0
میلاد نوری یالقوزآغاجی دانشجوی دوره دکتری رشته فلسفه دانشگاه شهید مطهری روح الله عالمی دانشیار بازنشسته گروه فلسفه دانشگاه تهران

the existence is a categorical concept according to kant’s philosophy. kant, going to be a subjectivist philosopher, negates the existence as a perfection and concludes the separation between the mind and extra-mental world. but the externality is not an origin which we deny it easily, even if it is faced with multiple problems such as the issue of simplicity and multiplicity and also being his...

Journal: :زبان و ادبیات عربی 0
اویس محمدی زینب صادقی

ghada al-saman has been affected in her short story:” a man in the alley” by the theory of some feminist writers like simone de beauvoir. using the existentialistic- feministic theory of de beauvoir,she tried to highlight the idea of women’s oppression through cultures during time long before its explanation by de beauvoir. this short story depicts her endeavor for deconstructing the values of ...

Journal: :Pakistan journal of social research 2022

Keeping in view that discourse is a tool to construct, reconstruct, challenge and deconstruct the ideologies, is, thus, capable of bringing socio-political changes, present study, qualitative descriptive nature, intends conduct Positive Discourse Analysis on inauguration speeches Nelson Mandela, first Black president South Africa. Taking Van Dijk’s Ideological Square as point departure, we have...

H. Winlow

Glossary Anthropogeographer An individual who works at the intersection of the disciplines of anthropology and geography, using physical racial categorizations to explore the relationships between race and space. Anthropometric Mapping Mapping of individual racial traits, such as cephalic index, pigmentation, or stature. Ethnic Mapping Mapping of aspects of ethnicity, including religion, langua...

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