نتایج جستجو برای: medical hadith

تعداد نتایج: 595798  

ژورنال: دین و سلامت 2019
حسینی کارنامی, سید حسین , دارابی‌نیا, مرتضی ,

One of the medical teachings in Islamic texts is hair care guide. The Islamic scholars and jurisprudents devoted some chapters of their books to the hair and skin disorders followed by treatments. This study presents six important strategies which are of significant importance concerning skin and hair care. The purpose of this study was to identify the dimensions of hair care guidelines and int...

Journal: :Al-Dzikra: Jurnal Studi Ilmu Al-Qur'an dan Al-Hadist 2022

AbstractThis paper will try to see how the contribution of Imam Malik with his book al-Muwattha' development hadith, and orientalist criticism book. In other words, do orientalists criticize as first generation books in writing hadith. The research conducted this study is a literature using primary source. result Goldziher said that more appropriately called law than hadith Schact said: there n...

ژورنال: حدیث پژوهی 2016

One of the hadith about the occasions of revelation of surat al-Falaq and al-Nas is the saying by the Jewish Labid ibn A'sam about magic of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). According tothis hadith, a person called Labid ibn A'sam bewitched Prophet Muhammad by blowing into eleven nodes and Prophet was sick because of this magic. Afterwards, God revealed surat al-Falaq and al-Nas to Prophet to heal h...

Journal: :Basha'ir 2023

This study aims to examine the meaning of concept supervision in educational institutions according perspective Koran and al-Hadith. research method is a qualitative with literature approach. The data used this are form document data, both from Koran, al-Hadith, textbooks, scientific journals, other relevant sources. In terms approach, researcher looked for or al hadith. results show that Super...

Journal: :Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Raushan Fikr 2022

The Hadith of Gabriel is a hadith that contains description the learning process involving Prophet Muhammad, Angel Gabriel, and companions Muhammad. Various components such as materials, methods, islamic ethics can be seen both explicitly implicitly in this hadith. This study aims to determine adab learners educators contained Gabriel. literature uses content analysis method. result research fr...

Journal: :SINDA 2022

This article examines the oldest book that has reached hands of Muslims today, which contains biographies narrators Hadith. The known as Ath-Thabaqat Al-Kubra was written by Ibn Sa'ad is certainly not a foreign name for Hadith experts. researcher in this case tries to examine terms author's biography, writing method, characteristics, uniqueness, advantages and disadvantages. method used literat...

Journal: :Al-Munir 2022

This paper analyzes the use of study hadith Prophet saw in each da'wah delivered. one cases is activities Tabligh congregation mosque there usually a held after morning deliberation, meal break, charity infirady (personal) from 9 to 12 o'clock that recite Qur'an fadhilah, prayer dhikr fadhilah and alms tabligh, ramadhan (in month Ramadhan) haji dzulhijjah/month hajj). special for researchers re...

Journal: :Qaulan 2022

Abstract: The various backgrounds of mad'u have made the method used by each da'i different in conveying his da'wah. One them is da'wah carried out KH Anwar Zahid. purpose this study was to determine preaching KH. Zahid who very humorous from perspective hadith. research descriptive qualitative and library research. While data analysis reduction, presentation drawing conclusions. results show t...

Journal: :International Journal of Nusantara Islam 2019

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