نتایج جستجو برای: lattice banach space

تعداد نتایج: 588801  

Journal: :Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1991

Journal: :Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1992


Let E be an ideal of L0 over a σ-finite measure space (Ω,Σ, μ), and let E∼ stand for the order dual of E. For a real Banach space (X, ‖ · ‖X ) let E(X) be a subspace of the space L0(X) of μ-equivalence classes of strongly Σ-measurable functions f : Ω −→ X and consisting of all those f ∈ L0(X) for which the scalar function ‖f(·)‖X belongs to E. For a real Banach space (Y, ‖ · ‖Y ) a linear opera...

In this paper, using the concept of measure of noncompactness, which is a very useful and powerful tools in nonlinear functional analysis, metric fixed point theory and integral equations, we introduce a new contraction on a Banach space. For this purpose by using of a measure of noncompactness on a finite product space, we obtain some generalizations of Darbo’s fixed-point theorem. Then, with ...

Journal: :Symmetry 2021

We prove new results and complete our recently published theorems on the vector-valued Markov moment problem, by means of polynomial approximation unbounded subsets, also applying an extension positive linear operators’ result. The domain is Banach lattice continuous real-valued functions a compact subset or Lν1 space, where ν determinate measure closed set. existence uniqueness operator soluti...


Notation. ε is an arbitrarily small positive number. L(X,Y ) is the Banach space of bounded linear operators T : X → Y . B(X) is the closed unit ball {x ∈ X : ‖x‖ 6 1}. N := N ∪ {∞} is the one-point compactification of the discrete space N. All operators are bounded and linear. A compact (topological) space always means a compact Hausdorff space. (We sometimes add “Hausdorff” explicitly for emp...

Let S be a topological semigroup acting on a topological space X. We develop the theory of (weakly) almost periodic functions on X, with respect to S, and form the (weakly) almost periodic compactifications of X and S, with respect to each other. We then consider the notion of an action of Son a Banach space, and on its dual, and after defining S-invariant means for such a space, we give a...

Vladimir Pestov V. PESTOV

We show that every complete metric space is homeomorphic to the locus of zeros of an entire analytic map from a complex Hilbert space to a complex Banach space. As a corollary, every separable complete metric space is homeomorphic to the locus of zeros of an entire analytic map between two complex Hilbert spaces. §1. Douady had observed [8] that every compact metric space is homeomorphic to the...


Let X be a Banach space and (Ω,Σ) be a measure space. We provide a characterization of sequences in the space of X-valued countably additive measures on (Ω,Σ) of bounded variation that generates complemented copies of l1. As application, we prove that if a dual Banach space E∗ has Pe lczyński’s property (V*) then so does the space of E∗-valued countably additive measures with the variation norm...

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