نتایج جستجو برای: imam ali

تعداد نتایج: 14463  

Journal: :Theological Studies/Teologiese Studies 2023

Government is a rational necessity for mankind because society without government leads to chaos. regulates the affairs of individual and community, implements limits, ensures dignity independence human society. Thinking in main goals divine prophets, it clear that achieving great such as liberating people from domination captivity foreigners, comprehensive education, reviving values, establish...

Journal: : 2021

“Çehâr Yâr-ı Güzîn” olarak adlandırılan ve Hz. Peygamber'in hem dostu de ondan sonra halifesi olan Ebû Bekir, Ömer, Osmân Ali hakkında klasik edebiyatta manzum mensur pek çok eser yazılmıştır. Bu eserlerden bazıları müstakil da eserler içinde bölüm halinde olmuştur. Çalışmanın konusu Yenâbî‘ü’l-Yakîn fî İhyâ’i ‘Ulûmi’d-Dîn adında XVII. yüzyılın başlarında Osmanlı Türkçesi ile yazılan İmam Gazza...

Journal: :سیاست 0
جلال درخشه استاد گروه علوم سیاسی دانشگاه امام صادق (ع)

one of the most important and enduring questions in the sphere of political thought is the kind of the relationship between ethics and politics. the outcome of such a debate has led to the formation and development of different perspectives. while some scholars believe that there is a practical paradox between exercising effective political power and observing ethical principles, others assume ...

Journal: :کتابت قرآن 0
علی حاجی خانی أستاذ مساعد / العلوم القرآنیة،بجامعة تربیت مدرّس

there is no doubt that any compiler or author use different instruments for creating a new work. among these instruments are the sources and the references that he used them to prove his theory.not mentioning to the references and documents of nahjul-balagha by sharif razi is one of the doubts arises around this book. of course, sharif razi just mentioned to the references and documents of nahj...

Ji-Feng Feng Ying Huang Qi Xun Chen

BACKGROUND The prognostic value of inflammation indexes in esophageal cancer has not been established. Recent studies have shown that the advanced lung cancer inflammation index (ALI) is a useful predictive factor. The purpose of the current study was to determine whether the ALI is useful for predicting long-term survival in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). PATIENTS A...


Journal: : 2023

İslâm düşünce ve ilim tarihinde ayrı bir ehemmiyete sahip kelâm fıkıh ilimleri, teşekkül süreçlerinde diğer ilimlerle olan etkileşimleriyle dinî tefekkürün tekâmülüne dair katkılarıyla öne çıkmışlardır. Literatürde fıkhın lisanî, şer‘î, aklî amelî cihetini temsil eden alan usûl-i fürû-ı fıkıh, akideye kısım ise usûlü’d-dîn veya fıkhu’l-ekber şeklindeki kavramlarla yaygınlık kazanmıştır. Bu iki ...

Journal: :نشریه پرستاری ایران 0
سیمین تعاونی taavoni, s

imam ali (peace be upon him) told that physicians must have pietism and don’t abstain from guidance, advice and diligence. islam religion recognizes medicine as an allowable and necessary profession.  prophet mohammad (pbuh) and imams (pbuh) tell that sage physician status in their science, art and tasks like jurisconsult scientist status. more than one thousand years ago, abubakr rabei ebne ah...

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