نتایج جستجو برای: hopf algebra and topology

تعداد نتایج: 16847428  

D. Bonatsos

Nonlinear deformations of the enveloping algebra of su(2), involving two arbitrary functions of J0 and generalizing the Witten algebra, were introduced some time ago by Delbecq and Quesne. In the present paper, the problem of endowing some of them with a Hopf algebraic structure is addressed by studying in detail a specific example, referred to as Aq (1). This algebra is shown to possess two se...

Jan E. Grabowski

We consider an inductive scheme for quantized enveloping algebras, arising from certain inclusions of the associated root data. These inclusions determine an algebra-subalgebra pair with the subalgebra also a quantized enveloping algebra, and we want to understand the structure of the “difference” between the algebra and the subalgebra. Our point of view treats the background field and quantiza...


In 1947, in a beautiful and influential paper [15], Tutte introduced a powerful algebraic framework for constructing invariants of multigraphs. This has spread increasing ripples down the years, and is, for example, a forerunner to certain recent exciting developments in knot theory [5]. However, combinatorialists have tended to play down the algebraic components of Tutte's work, and concentrat...


We show that when a co-involutive Hopf C *-algebra S coacts via δ on a C *-algebra A, there exists a full crossed product A × δ S, with universal properties analogous to those of full crossed products by locally compact groups. The dual Hopf C *-algebra is then defined byˆS := C × id S.

Hendryk Pfeiffer

We show that every modular category is equivalent as an additive ribbon category to the category of finite-dimensional comodules of a Weak Hopf Algebra. This Weak Hopf Algebra is finite-dimensional, split cosemisimple, weakly cofactorizable, coribbon and has trivially intersecting base algebras. In order to arrive at this characterization of modular categories, we develop a generalization of Ta...

Shouchuan Zhang

Braided Hopf algebras have attracted much attention in both mathematics and mathematical physics (see e.g. [1][4][13][15][17][16][20][23]). The classification of finite dimensional Hopf algebras is interesting and important for their applications (see [2] [22]). Braided Hopf algebras play an important role in the classification of finite-dimensional pointed Hopf algebras (e.g. [2][1] [19]). The...

Gabriella Böhm

By weakening the counit and antipode axioms of a C∗-Hopf algebra and allowing for the coassociative coproduct to be non-unital we obtain a quantum group, that we call a weak C∗Hopf algebra, which is sufficiently general to describe the symmetries of essentially arbitrary fusion rules. This amounts to generalizing the Baaj-Skandalis multiplicative unitaries to multipicative partial isometries. E...

D. Bulacu

Let H be a finite dimensional quasi-Hopf algebra over a field k and A a right H-comodule algebra in the sense of [12]. We first show that on the k-vector space A⊗H∗ we can define an algebra structure, denoted by A # H∗, in the monoidal category of left H-modules (i.e. A # H∗ is an Hmodule algebra in the sense of [2]). Then we will prove that the category of two-sided (A,H)bimodules HM H A is is...

Shouchuan Zhang Yao-Zhong Zhang

We give the classification of quiver Hopf algebras with pointed module structures. This leads to the classification of multiple crown algebras and multiple Taft algebras as well as pointed Yetter-Drinfeld modules and their corresponding Nichols algebras. In particular, we give the classification of graded Hopf algebras on cotensor coalgebra T c kG(M) of kG-bicomdule M over finite commutative gr...

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