نتایج جستجو برای: harary index

تعداد نتایج: 396366  

Journal: :The American Mathematical Monthly 2011
Kenneth A. Ross

Often data in the real world have the property that the first digit 1 appears about 30% of the time, the first digit 2 appears about 17% of the time, and so on with the first digit 9 appearing about 5% of the time. This phenomenon is known as Benford’s law. This paper provides a simple explanation, suitable for nonmathematicians, of why Benford’s law holds for data that has been growing (or shr...

Journal: :Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 2021

Classifying integral graphs is a hard problem that initiated by Harary and Schwenk in 1974. In this paper, with the help of character table, we treat corresponding for Cayley over semi-dihedral group SD8n = ?a,b | a4n b2 1; bab a2n-1?, n ? 2. We present several necessary sufficient conditions integrality SD8n, also obtain some simple terms Boolean algebra hai. particular, give groups SD2n (n?4)...

B. D. Acharya Thomas Zaslavsky

In a digraph D = (X,U) , not necessarily finite, an arc (x, y) ∈ U is reachable from a vertex u if there exists a directed walk W that originates from u and contains (x, y) . A subset S ⊆ X is an arc-reaching set of D if for every arc (x, y) there exists a diwalk W originating at a vertex u ∈ S and containing (x, y) . A minimal arc-reaching set is an arc-basis. S is a point-reaching set if for ...

Journal: :J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 1978
Ernest J. Cockayne Stephen T. Hedetniemi

This paper is motivated by Berge’s conjecture that every undirectefl regular graph, except the complement of a complete graph, has at least two disjoint maximal independent sets of vertices. By complementation this is equivalent to the conjecture that every incomplete regular graph has two or more disjoint cliques. In [l], we established this form of the conjecture for regular graphs of degree ...

Journal: :Australasian J. Combinatorics 2015
Koombail Shahul Hameed Viji Paul K. A. Germina

A graph whose edges are labeled either as positive or negative is called a signed graph. A signed graph is said to be net-regular if every vertex has constant net-degree k, namely, the difference between the number of positive and negative edges incident with a vertex. In this paper, we analyze some properties of co-regular signed graphs which are net-regular signed graphs with the underlying g...

Journal: :Discrete Mathematics 1994
Josep Fàbrega Miguel Angel Fiol

Following Harary, the conditional connectivity (edge-connectivity) of a graph with respect to a given graph-theoretic property is the minimum cardinality of a set of vertices (edges), if any, whose deletion disconnects the graph and every remaining component has such a property. We study the case in which all these components are different from a tree whose order is not greater than n. For inst...

Journal: :Australasian J. Combinatorics 2002
Gab-Byung Chae Edgar M. Palmer Wai-Cheong Siu

Buckley and Harary introduced several graphical invariants related to convexity theory, such as the geodetic number of a graph. These invariants have been the subject of much study and their determination has been shown to be NP -hard. We use the probabilistic method developed by Erdös to determine the asymptotic behavior of the geodetic number of random graphs with fixed edge probability. As a...

Wayne Goddard Daniel J. Kleitman

The Ramsey number r(H,G) is defined as the minimum N such that for any coloring of the edges of the N -vertex complete graph KN in red and blue, it must contain either a red H or a blue G. In this paper we show that for any graph G without isolated vertices, r(K3, G) ≤ 2q + 1 where G has q edges. In other words, any graph on 2q + 1 vertices with independence number at most 2 contains every (iso...

Simi Haber Saharon Shelah

We study zero-one laws for random graphs. We focus on the following question that was asked by many: Given a graph property P , is there a language of graphs able to express P while obeying the zeroone law? Our results show that on the one hand there is a (regular) language able to express connectivity and k-colorability for any constant k and still obey the zero-one law. On the other hand we s...


A map from E (G) to {1, 2, 3, ..., t} is called a t-linear coloring if (V (G), φ(α)) is a linear forest for 1 ≤ α ≤ t. The linear arboricity la (G) of a graph G defined by Harary [9] is the minimum number t for which G has a t-linear coloring. Let G be a graph embeddable in a surface of nonnegative characteristic. In this paper, we prove that if G contains no 4-cycles and intersecting triangles...

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