نتایج جستجو برای: hadiths

تعداد نتایج: 424  

Journal: Religious Inquiries 2020

Knowing the factors that secure mental health and using them in practice ensure peace of mind for the individual and society. The present study explores this topic in the Quran and hadiths. The study will show that, according to these two sources, the main factors in securing mental health for the individual and society are the following: enhanceing faith in God, trusting God, having a good opi...

Journal: :Jurnal Penelitian Agama 2022

The patience and the optimism are attitudes that must be possessed by a Muslim. However, there still many who have not implemented it. Both of these important to understand well, especially with hadith Prophet. This is because whatever people do refer main guidance, Qur'an research library thematic approach hadith. Thematic in this study mean themes as topics, then conduct search on hadiths rel...

Journal: :Jurnal Ilmiah Al-Mu'ashirah 2023

This study aims to discuss black magic (sihir) from the perspective of Tafsir scholars. The method used in this article is literature review with a hermeneutic approach, also known as tafsir maudhu'i. With method, author conducts various steps, including collecting and verses theme Quran, hadiths magic, using dictionaries tools find etymological use for magic. results show that scholars have ag...

Journal: :Dialogia (Ponorogo) 2022

Health is the main aspect that humans must take care of. The health crisis during COVID-19 pandemic taught about importance of maintaining health. Moreover, in Islam, part faith. This paper examines implementation Prophet Muhammad SAW purpose this study to explore hadiths healthy lifestyles and their impact on mental Researcher uses library research method with a ma'anil hadith approach. In dat...

Medical ethics in a reductive look can be handed to physician’s ethics and then call a physician who adheres to medical ethics attributed to the moral virtues. Moral virtues are counted to be about 137 in the teachings of Shiite, most of which are not related to the practice of medicine but nearly eighty virtues are linked to the practice of medicine.  This number is too much to be handled in a...

Journal: :Umde dini tetkikler dergisi 2023

Endülüs ilim camiasında özellikle hadis alanında önemli çalışmalar yapılmış ve bu alanda yetkin âlimleri yetişmiştir. Bunlardan bir tanesi de el-Kurtubî’nin yaptığı çalışmadır. O, Sahih-i Müslim üzerine yedi ciltlik el-Müfhîm limâ eşkele min telhîsi kitâbi isimli eseri kaleme almıştır. Özellikle onun yazmış olduğu şerhi, zengin içeriğe sahiptir. el-Kurtubî, hadislerin açıklanması için geçmiş bü...

Journal: :Jurnal Ushuluddin 2022

This study examined the hadith regarding determination of mahram status for adult men due to breastfeeding (al-radhāah). It was needed be conducted because hadiths are contradictory one another. Using mukhtalif al-hadith science method, this tried find right and correct understanding, avoiding visible outward contradictions, with two forms settlement, namely non-compromising compromise. The maj...

Journal: :Jurnal living hadis 2023

This study aims to describe the tradition of Quranic Khataman in graveyard preserved by people North Padang Lawas. research uses a qualitative type with living hadith approach. shows that this is public reception relating remains pilgrims leaving burial area as well reward and prayers from righteous child both parents. There are several hadiths form basis theological references implementation k...

Journal: :Hikmatuna: journal for integrative Islamic studies 2023

Because the world is mortal, Islam a complete religion that solution to all problems. regulates way of human life based on needs and does not splurge, making enjoyment goal life. The Prophet warns his people be extravagant, greedy, or oblivious world. However, emergence lifestyle trend makes enjoyment. Enjoyment endless satisfaction disease. Hedonistic behavior causes perpetrators excessively c...

Journal: :Istinarah 2022

This study examines hadiths that are directly related to behavioristic learning theory in concept and practice. The formulation of theories by western experts does not necessarily deny the concepts teachings Prophet who have already perfected research uses literature techniques obtain qualitative results being described using data reduction methods from various sources, then displayed properly....

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