نتایج جستجو برای: gaur d s
تعداد نتایج: 1189081 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
Gaur N, et al. BMJ Case Rep 2017. doi:10.1136/bcr-2017-220970 Description A 27-Year-old female presented with complaints of sudden onset visual loss along with right sided deviation of the angle of mouth since past 30 days. Vision loss had worsened in the last week. There was history of severe headache which was not associated with vomiting. There was no history of any other neurological defici...
3 Zhongxian Xu, Hang Jie, Binlong Chen, Uma Gaur 1 , Mingyao Yang 1 , Nan Wu 1 , 4 Jian Gao, Pinming Li, Guijun Zhao, Dejun Zeng and Diyan Li 5 1 Farm Animal Genetic Resources Exploration and Innovation Key Laboratory of Sichuan 6 Province, Sichuan Agricultural University, Chengdu, China 7 2 Laboratory of Medicinal Animal, Chongqing Institute of Medicinal Plant Cultivation, Nanchuan, 8 Chongqin...
A bstract We present the first lattice investigation of coupled-channel $$ D\overline{D} DD¯ and {D}_s{\overline{D}}_s xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">DsD</...
Artikulu honetan Gipuzkoako osagarri pluraldun adizki tripertsonalak dira aztergai. Izan ere, beti ez da erraza jakiten batzuen oinarrian zein erro dagoen: *eradun ala *nin. Hori horrela izanik, saio honen helburua testu zaharretan ageri diren —eta gaur egun zenbait hizkeratan dirauten— dagoen argitzen saiatzea. Lehendabizi, diozka ‘dizkio’ erakoez arituko gara, eta *nin hipotesien aldeko nahiz...
LABURPENA: Minbizia heriotz-eragile nagusienen artean azaltzen da mundu mailan, 2020an 10 milioi heriotz inguru gauzatu zituena. Minbiziaren aurkako tratamendu farmakologikoari dagokionez, agente kimioterapiko eraginkorrenen artean, topoisomerasa I (TOP1, DNAren metabolismoan era zuzenean parte hartzen duen entzima) aparteko itu terapeutikotzat balidatuta dago. Era honetan, molekula antiprolife...
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