نتایج جستجو برای: critical point theory

تعداد نتایج: 1651368  

Journal: :Journal of High Energy Physics 2022

A bstract The non-Gaussian fluctuations of baryon density are sensitive to the presence conjectured QCD critical point. Their observational consequences crucial for ongoing experimental search this point through beam energy scan program at Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). In expanding fireball created in a heavy-ion collision, would inescapably fall out equilibrium and require systematic...

Journal: :Science 2009
Mihailo Cubrović Jan Zaanen Koenraad Schalm

A central problem in quantum condensed matter physics is the critical theory governing the zero-temperature quantum phase transition between strongly renormalized Fermi liquids as found in heavy fermion intermetallics and possibly in high-critical temperature superconductors. We found that the mathematics of string theory is capable of describing such fermionic quantum critical states. Using th...

Journal: :shiraz journal of system management 0
hamed shakerian department of management, yazd science and research branch, islamic azad university, yazd, iran morteza rahmanee nikooei department of management, yazd science and research branch, islamic azad university, yazd, iran

today, along with enhancement of social well-being andeconomic development, demand for transportation is growing increasingly.many countries are seeking for providing transportation servicesat a reasonable price. therefore, optimization of carrying goods on nationalor international roads is highly important in terms of costs andtransportation indicator, so that the goods are shipped at minimumc...

Sher Alam M. O. Rahman M. Ando S. B. Mohamed T. Yanagisawa

Following our recent conjecture to model the phenomenona of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity by quantum symmetry groups, we discuss in the present note how to construct a workable scenario using this symmetry. In particular we propose to patch the relevant critical points. This means we identify fixed points, corresponding to various k or q [since the two are related] and make expansion...

D. Belitz T. R. Kirkpatrick Maria Teresa Mercaldo Sharon L. Sessions

An effective field theory is derived that describes the quantum critical behavior of itinerant ferromagnets in the presence of quenched disorder. In contrast to previous approaches, all soft modes are kept explicitly. The resulting effective theory is local and allows for an explicit perturbative treatment. It is shown that previous suggestions for the critical fixed point and the critical beha...


where τ, σ , and c are real constants with τ ≥ 0, σ ≥ 0, |c| < 1, g(t,x) is a T-periodic function for t > 0 and, for an arbitrary bounded domain D ⊂ R, g(t,x) is a Lipschitzfunction on [0,T]×D. Moreover, p ∈ C(R,R), p(t +T) = p(t) and ∫ T 0 p(t)dt = 0. They obtained sufficient conditions which guarantee the existence of at least one T-periodic solution for the above system. However, for the exi...

Journal: :Entropy 2016
Liang-Jun Zhai Shuai Yin

The Kibble–Zurek scaling describes the driven critical dynamics starting with an equilibrium state far away from the critical point. Recently, it has been shown that scaling behaviors also exist when the fluctuation term changes starting near the critical point. In this case, the relevant initial conditions should be included in the scaling theory as additional scaling variables. Here, we study...

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