نتایج جستجو برای: c2

تعداد نتایج: 20498  

Daeyeong Chung Dae-Chul Cho Seong-Hyun Park Kyoung-Tae Kim Joo-Kyung Sung Younghoon Jeon

OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to evaluate pain-related behaviors after bilateral C2 root resection and change in pain patterns in the suboccipital region in rats. METHODS Male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to three groups (n=25/group); näive, sham, and C2 resection. Three, 7, 10, and 14 days after surgery, cold allodynia was assessed using 20 μL of 99.7% acetone. c-Fos ...

Journal: :Global spine journal 2016
Moon Soo Park Seong-Hwan Moon Tae-Hwan Kim Jae Keun Oh Hwa Jun Kang K Daniel Riew

Study Design Retrospective radiologic study. Objective The sagittal alignment of the cervical spine can be evaluated using either a lateral cervical radiograph or a whole-spine lateral view on which the cervical spine is included. To our knowledge, however, no report has compared the two. The purpose of this work is to identify the difference in radiographic parameters between the cervical spin...

Journal: :The Journal of biological chemistry 1987
J Hall A Kriaucionas D Knaff F Millett

The interaction of the Rhodospirillum rubrum cytochrome bc1 complex with R. rubrum cytochrome c2 and horse cytochrome c was studied using specific lysine modification and ionic strength dependence methods. In order to define the reaction domain on cytochrome c2, several fractions consisting of mixtures of singly labeled carboxydintrophenyl-cytochrome c2 derivatives were employed. Fraction A con...

Journal: :The Journal of chemical physics 2015
Nikolai A Zarkevich Duane D Johnson

The nudged-elastic band (NEB) method is modified with concomitant two climbing images (C2-NEB) to find a transition state (TS) in complex energy landscapes, such as those with a serpentine minimal energy path (MEP). If a single climbing image (C1-NEB) successfully finds the TS, then C2-NEB finds it too. However, improved stability of C2-NEB makes it suitable for more complex cases, where C1-NEB...

Journal: :Physical review letters 2017
R Aaij B Adeva M Adinolfi Z Ajaltouni S Akar J Albrecht F Alessio M Alexander A Alfonso Albero S Ali G Alkhazov P Alvarez Cartelle A A Alves S Amato S Amerio Y Amhis L An L Anderlini G Andreassi M Andreotti J E Andrews R B Appleby F Archilli P d'Argent J Arnau Romeu A Artamonov M Artuso E Aslanides M Atzeni G Auriemma M Baalouch I Babuschkin S Bachmann J J Back A Badalov C Baesso S Baker V Balagura W Baldini A Baranov R J Barlow C Barschel S Barsuk W Barter F Baryshnikov V Batozskaya V Battista A Bay L Beaucourt J Beddow F Bedeschi I Bediaga A Beiter L J Bel N Beliy V Bellee N Belloli K Belous I Belyaev E Ben-Haim G Bencivenni S Benson S Beranek A Berezhnoy R Bernet D Berninghoff E Bertholet A Bertolin C Betancourt F Betti M-O Bettler M van Beuzekom Ia Bezshyiko S Bifani P Billoir A Birnkraut A Bizzeti M Bjørn T Blake F Blanc S Blusk V Bocci T Boettcher A Bondar N Bondar I Bordyuzhin S Borghi M Borisyak M Borsato F Bossu M Boubdir T J V Bowcock E Bowen C Bozzi S Braun T Britton J Brodzicka D Brundu E Buchanan C Burr A Bursche J Buytaert W Byczynski S Cadeddu H Cai R Calabrese R Calladine M Calvi M Calvo Gomez A Camboni P Campana D H Campora Perez L Capriotti A Carbone G Carboni R Cardinale A Cardini P Carniti L Carson K Carvalho Akiba G Casse L Cassina M Cattaneo G Cavallero R Cenci D Chamont M G Chapman M Charles Ph Charpentier G Chatzikonstantinidis M Chefdeville S Chen S F Cheung S-G Chitic V Chobanova M Chrzaszcz A Chubykin P Ciambrone X Cid Vidal G Ciezarek P E L Clarke M Clemencic H V Cliff J Closier J Cogan E Cogneras V Cogoni L Cojocariu P Collins T Colombo A Comerma-Montells A Contu A Cook G Coombs S Coquereau G Corti M Corvo C M Costa Sobral B Couturier G A Cowan D C Craik A Crocombe M Cruz Torres R Currie C D'Ambrosio F Da Cunha Marinho E Dall'Occo J Dalseno A Davis O De Aguiar Francisco S De Capua M De Cian J M De Miranda L De Paula M De Serio P De Simone C T Dean D Decamp L Del Buono H-P Dembinski M Demmer A Dendek D Derkach O Deschamps F Dettori B Dey A Di Canto P Di Nezza H Dijkstra F Dordei M Dorigo A Dosil Suárez L Douglas A Dovbnya K Dreimanis L Dufour G Dujany P Durante R Dzhelyadin M Dziewiecki A Dziurda A Dzyuba S Easo M Ebert U Egede V Egorychev S Eidelman S Eisenhardt U Eitschberger R Ekelhof L Eklund S Ely S Esen H M Evans T Evans A Falabella N Farley S Farry D Fazzini L Federici D Ferguson G Fernandez P Fernandez Declara A Fernandez Prieto F Ferrari F Ferreira Rodrigues M Ferro-Luzzi S Filippov R A Fini M Fiorini M Firlej C Fitzpatrick T Fiutowski F Fleuret K Fohl M Fontana F Fontanelli D C Forshaw R Forty V Franco Lima M Frank C Frei J Fu W Funk E Furfaro C Färber E Gabriel A Gallas Torreira D Galli S Gallorini S Gambetta M Gandelman P Gandini Y Gao L M Garcia Martin J García Pardiñas J Garra Tico L Garrido P J Garsed D Gascon C Gaspar L Gavardi G Gazzoni D Gerick E Gersabeck M Gersabeck T Gershon Ph Ghez S Gianì V Gibson O G Girard L Giubega K Gizdov V V Gligorov D Golubkov A Golutvin A Gomes I V Gorelov C Gotti E Govorkova J P Grabowski R Graciani Diaz L A Granado Cardoso E Graugés E Graverini G Graziani A Grecu R Greim P Griffith L Grillo L Gruber B R Gruberg Cazon O Grünberg E Gushchin Yu Guz T Gys C Göbel T Hadavizadeh C Hadjivasiliou G Haefeli C Haen S C Haines B Hamilton X Han T H Hancock S Hansmann-Menzemer N Harnew S T Harnew C Hasse M Hatch J He M Hecker K Heinicke A Heister K Hennessy P Henrard L Henry E van Herwijnen M Heß A Hicheur D Hill C Hombach P H Hopchev W Hu Z C Huard W Hulsbergen T Humair M Hushchyn D Hutchcroft P Ibis M Idzik P Ilten R Jacobsson J Jalocha E Jans A Jawahery F Jiang M John D Johnson C R Jones C Joram B Jost N Jurik S Kandybei M Karacson J M Kariuki S Karodia N Kazeev M Kecke F Keizer M Kelsey M Kenzie T Ketel E Khairullin B Khanji C Khurewathanakul T Kirn S Klaver K Klimaszewski T Klimkovich S Koliiev M Kolpin R Kopecna P Koppenburg A Kosmyntseva S Kotriakhova M Kozeiha L Kravchuk M Kreps F Kress P Krokovny F Kruse W Krzemien W Kucewicz M Kucharczyk V Kudryavtsev A K Kuonen T Kvaratskheliya D Lacarrere G Lafferty A Lai G Lanfranchi C Langenbruch T Latham C Lazzeroni R Le Gac A Leflat J Lefrançois R Lefèvre F Lemaitre E Lemos Cid O Leroy T Lesiak B Leverington P-R Li T Li Y Li Z Li T Likhomanenko R Lindner F Lionetto V Lisovskyi X Liu D Loh A Loi I Longstaff J H Lopes D Lucchesi A Luchinsky M Lucio Martinez H Luo A Lupato E Luppi O Lupton A Lusiani X Lyu F Machefert F Maciuc V Macko P Mackowiak S Maddrell-Mander O Maev K Maguire D Maisuzenko M W Majewski S Malde B Malecki A Malinin T Maltsev G Manca G Mancinelli D Marangotto J Maratas J F Marchand U Marconi C Marin Benito M Marinangeli P Marino J Marks G Martellotti M Martin M Martinelli D Martinez Santos F Martinez Vidal L M Massacrier A Massafferri R Matev A Mathad Z Mathe C Matteuzzi A Mauri E Maurice B Maurin A Mazurov M McCann A McNab R McNulty J V Mead B Meadows C Meaux F Meier N Meinert D Melnychuk M Merk A Merli E Michielin D A Milanes E Millard M-N Minard L Minzoni D S Mitzel A Mogini J Molina Rodriguez T Mombächer I A Monroy S Monteil M Morandin M J Morello O Morgunova J Moron A B Morris R Mountain F Muheim M Mulder D Müller J Müller K Müller V Müller P Naik T Nakada R Nandakumar A Nandi I Nasteva M Needham N Neri S Neubert N Neufeld M Neuner T D Nguyen C Nguyen-Mau

The decays χ_{c1}→J/ψμ^{+}μ^{-} and χ_{c2}→J/ψμ^{+}μ^{-} are observed and used to study the resonance parameters of the χ_{c1} and χ_{c2} mesons. The masses of these states are measured to be m(χ_{c1})=3510.71±0.04(stat)±0.09(syst)  MeV and m(χ_{c2})=3556.10±0.06(stat)±0.11(syst)  MeV, where the knowledge of the momentum scale for charged particles dominates the systematic uncertainty. The mome...

Journal: :The Journal of Experimental Medicine 1975
N K Day R L'Esperance R A Good A F Michael J A Hansen B Dupont C Jersild

Herediatary C2-deficiency has been shown to be transmitted asn an autosomal recessive characteristic. Recent evidence indicates that some genetic factors involved in the control of the complement (C) system in both man and mice are governed by genes localized within the major histocompatibility regionmthis study describes a large pedigree of the paternal family of a C2-deficient patient with sy...

Journal: :FEBS letters 2007
Maryse Gibert Jean Christophe Marvaud Yannick Pereira Martha L Hale Bradley G Stiles Patrice Boquet Christophe Lamaze Michel R Popoff

Clostridial binary toxins, such as Clostridium perfringens Iota and Clostridium botulinum C2, are composed of a binding protein (Ib and C2-II, respectively) that recognizes distinct membrane receptors and mediates internalization of a catalytic protein (Ia and C2-I, respectively) with ADP-ribosyltransferase activity that depolymerizes the actin cytoskeleton. After internalization, it was found ...

Journal: :The Journal of Experimental Medicine 1975
S M Fu R Stern H G Kunkel B Dupont J A Hansen N K Day R A Good C Jersild M Fotino

Four families with C2 deficiency were studied. Among eight HL-A haplotypes involved with C2 deficiency, five were HL-A 10,W18. Three homozygotes for C2 deficiency from different families were mutually nonreactive in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC) and the heterozygotes from the fourth family failed to react to the homozygous cells. It appeared that identical MLC determinants were associated ...

Journal: :Journal of immunology 1999
D A Mitchell P R Taylor H T Cook J Moss A E Bygrave M J Walport M Botto

C1q-deficient (C1qa-/-) mice develop antinuclear Abs and glomerulonephritis (GN) characterized by multiple apoptotic bodies. To explore the contribution of C3 activation to the induction of spontaneous GN, C1qa-/- mice were crossed with factor B- and C2-deficient (H2-Bf/C2-/-) mice. GN was present in 64% of the 45 C1qa/H2-Bf/C2-/- mice compared with 8% of the 65 H2-Bf/C2-/- mice and none of the...

Bo Mi Ku Young Phil Yune Eun Shin Lee Young-Sool Hah Jae Yong Park Joo Yeon Jeong Dong Hoon Lee Gyeong Jae Cho Wan Sung Choi Sang Soo Kang

Transforming growth factor (TGF) family is well known to induce the chondevrepogenic differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC). However, the precise signal transduction pathways and underlying factors are not well known. Thus the present study aims to evaluate the possible role of C2 domain in the chondevrepogenic differentiation of human mesenchymal stem cells. To this end, 145 C2 domain...

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