نتایج جستجو برای: weil syndrome

تعداد نتایج: 625361  

Mathieu Basille Stephane Dray

August 29, 2013 Version 1.8.12 Date 2013/01/11 Title Analysis of habitat selection by animals Author Clement Calenge, contributions from Mathieu Basille, Stephane Dray and Scott Fortmann-Roe Maintainer Clement Calenge Depends R (>= 2.10.0), ade4, tkrplot, shapefiles Suggests gpclib, sp, spatstat, MASS, CircStats Description A collection of tools for the analysis ...

I. M. Gelfand R. D. MacPherson R. D. MACPHERSON

A combinatorial formula for the Pontrjagin classes of a triangulated manifold is given. The main ingredients are oriented matroid theory and a modified formulation of Chern-Weil theory.

Christopher Seaton

We show that every bad orbifold vector bundle can be realized as the restriction of a good orbifold vector bundle to a suborbifold of the base space. We give an explicit construction of this result in which the Chen-Ruan orbifold cohomology of the two base spaces are isomorphic (as additive groups). This construction is used to indicate an extension of the Chern-Weil construction of characteris...


We show that every bad orbifold vector bundle can be realized as the restriction of a good orbifold vector bundle to a suborbifold of the base space. We give an explicit construction of this result in which the Chen-Ruan orbifold cohomology of the two base spaces are isomorphic (as additive groups). This construction is used to indicate an extension of the Chern-Weil construction of characteris...

Mathieu Basille Stephane Dray

March 27, 2015 Version 1.8.17 Date 2015-03-27 Title Analysis of Habitat Selection by Animals Author Clement Calenge, contributions from Mathieu Basille, Stephane Dray and Scott Fortmann-Roe Maintainer Clement Calenge Depends R (>= 2.10.0), ade4, tkrplot, shapefiles, sp, graphics Suggests spatstat, MASS, CircStats Description A collection of tools for the analysis...


we deduce that H(X) = Z[x0, · · · , xr]/(σ1, · · · , σr+1), where σi is the i th elementary symmetric function of r + 1 variables. In particular it follows that H(X) ≃ Z (because Σxi = 0). Remark. Let us consider the case of general G now. According to the BorelBott-Weil theorem there is one-to-one correspondence between irreducible highest weight representations of the Lie algebra g of G and l...


We discuss the Mordell-Weil sieve as a general technique for proving results concerning rational points on a given curve. In the special case of curves of genus 2, we describe quite explicitly how the relevant local information can be obtained if one does not want to restrict to mod p information at primes of good reduction. We describe our implementation of the Mordell-Weil sieve algorithm and...

Journal: :Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 2001
Steven D. Galbraith

The technique of Weil restriction of scalars has signiicant implications for elliptic curve cryptography. In this paper we apply these ideas to the case of the discrete logarithm problem in the Jacobian of a curve of genus greater than one over a nite eld F q n where n > 1.


This article is to appear as a chapter in Advances in Elliptic Curve Cryptography, edited by I. Blake, G. Seroussi and N. Smart, Cambridge University Press, 2004. It summarises the main aspects of the existing literature on Weil descent attacks and contains some new material on the GHS attack in even characteristic.

Journal: :Notices of the American Mathematical Society 2018

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