نتایج جستجو برای: ttv

تعداد نتایج: 389  

Journal: :The Journal of general virology 2009
Masashi Ninomiya Masaharu Takahashi Yu Hoshino Koji Ichiyama Peter Simmonds Hiroaki Okamoto

Humans are frequently infected with three anelloviruses which have circular DNA genomes of 3.6-3.9 kb [Torque teno virus (TTV)], 2.8-2.9 kb [Torque teno mini virus (TTMV)] and 3.2 kb [a recently discovered anellovirus named Torque teno midi virus (TTMDV)]. Unexpectedly, human TTMDV DNA was not detectable in any of 74 chimpanzees tested, although all but one tested positive for both human TTV an...

Andrew H. Walton Jared T. Muenzer David Rasche Jonathan S. Boomer Bryan Sato Bernard H. Brownstein Alexandre Pachot Terrence L. Brooks Elena Deych William D. Shannon Jonathan M. Green Gregory A. Storch Richard S. Hotchkiss

A current controversy is whether patients with sepsis progress to an immunosuppressed state. We hypothesized that reactivation of latent viruses occurred with prolonged sepsis thereby providing evidence of clinically-relevant immunosuppression and potentially providing a means to serially-monitor patients' immune status. Secondly, if viral loads are markedly elevated, they may contribute to mor...

J. H. Steffen

In a transiting planetary system, the presence of a second planet will cause the time interval between transits to vary. These transit timing variations (TTV) are particularly large near mean-motion resonances and can be used to infer the orbital elements of planets with masses that are too small to detect by any other means. I present the results of a study of simulated data where I show the p...

C A Seemayer S Viazov M Neidhart

Objective—To determine the prevalence of GB virus-C (GBV-C) RNA and TT virus (TTV) DNA in patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and osteoarthritis (OA) as well as to compare the autoantibody pattern in patients with SSc with and without evidence of viral infection. Patients and methods—The study included 168 patients (84 SSc, 41 RA, and 43 OA) diagnosed according to...

Journal: :Development 2004
Yuki Takei Yutakahiko Ozawa Makoto Sato Akira Watanabe Tetsuya Tabata

The signaling molecules Hedgehog (Hh), Decapentaplegic (Dpp) and Wingless (Wg) function as morphogens and organize wing patterning in Drosophila. In the screen for mutations that alter the morphogen activity, we identified novel mutants of two Drosophila genes, sister of tout-velu (sotv) and brother of tout-velu (botv), and new alleles of tout-velu (ttv). The encoded proteins of these genes bel...

Journal: :Physical review letters 2013
S Chatrchyan V Khachatryan A M Sirunyan A Tumasyan W Adam E Aguilo T Bergauer M Dragicevic J Erö C Fabjan M Friedl R Frühwirth V M Ghete N Hörmann J Hrubec M Jeitler W Kiesenhofer V Knünz M Krammer I Krätschmer D Liko I Mikulec M Pernicka D Rabady B Rahbaran C Rohringer H Rohringer R Schöfbeck J Strauss A Taurok W Waltenberger C-E Wulz V Mossolov N Shumeiko J Suarez Gonzalez S Alderweireldt M Bansal S Bansal T Cornelis E A De Wolf X Janssen S Luyckx L Mucibello S Ochesanu B Roland R Rougny M Selvaggi H Van Haevermaet P Van Mechelen N Van Remortel A Van Spilbeeck F Blekman S Blyweert J D'Hondt R Gonzalez Suarez A Kalogeropoulos M Maes A Olbrechts S Tavernier W Van Doninck P Van Mulders G P Van Onsem I Villella B Clerbaux G De Lentdecker V Dero A P R Gay T Hreus A Léonard P E Marage A Mohammadi T Reis L Thomas C Vander Velde P Vanlaer J Wang V Adler K Beernaert A Cimmino S Costantini G Garcia M Grunewald B Klein J Lellouch A Marinov J Mccartin A A Ocampo Rios D Ryckbosch M Sigamani N Strobbe F Thyssen M Tytgat S Walsh E Yazgan N Zaganidis S Basegmez G Bruno R Castello L Ceard C Delaere T du Pree D Favart L Forthomme A Giammanco J Hollar V Lemaitre J Liao O Militaru C Nuttens D Pagano A Pin K Piotrzkowski J M Vizan Garcia N Beliy T Caebergs E Daubie G H Hammad G A Alves M Correa Martins Junior T Martins M E Pol M H G Souza W L Aldá Júnior W Carvalho J Chinellato A Custódio E M Da Costa D De Jesus Damiao C De Oliveira Martins S Fonseca De Souza H Malbouisson M Malek D Matos Figueiredo L Mundim H Nogima W L Prado Da Silva A Santoro L Soares Jorge A Sznajder E J Tonelli Manganote A Vilela Pereira T S Anjos C A Bernardes F A Dias T R Fernandez Perez Tomei E M Gregores C Lagana F Marinho P G Mercadante S F Novaes Sandra S Padula V Genchev P Iaydjiev S Piperov M Rodozov S Stoykova G Sultanov V Tcholakov R Trayanov M Vutova A Dimitrov R Hadjiiska V Kozhuharov L Litov B Pavlov P Petkov J G Bian G M Chen H S Chen C H Jiang D Liang S Liang X Meng J Tao X Wang Z Wang H Xiao M Xu J Zang Z Zhang C Asawatangtrakuldee Y Ban Y Guo Q Li W Li S Liu Y Mao S J Qian D Wang L Zhang W Zou C Avila C A Carrillo Montoya J P Gomez B Gomez Moreno A F Osorio Oliveros J C Sanabria N Godinovic D Lelas R Plestina D Polic I Puljak Z Antunovic M Kovac V Brigljevic S Duric K Kadija J Luetic D Mekterovic S Morovic L Tikvica A Attikis M Galanti G Mavromanolakis J Mousa C Nicolaou F Ptochos P A Razis M Finger M Finger Y Assran S Elgammal A Ellithi Kamel A M Kuotb Awad M A Mahmoud A Radi M Kadastik M Müntel M Murumaa M Raidal L Rebane A Tiko P Eerola G Fedi M Voutilainen J Härkönen A Heikkinen V Karimäki R Kinnunen M J Kortelainen T Lampén K Lassila-Perini S Lehti T Lindén P Luukka T Mäenpää T Peltola E Tuominen J Tuominiemi E Tuovinen D Ungaro L Wendland A Korpela T Tuuva M Besancon S Choudhury F Couderc M Dejardin D Denegri B Fabbro J L Faure F Ferri S Ganjour A Givernaud P Gras G Hamel de Monchenault P Jarry E Locci J Malcles L Millischer A Nayak J Rander A Rosowsky M Titov S Baffioni F Beaudette L Benhabib L Bianchini M Bluj P Busson C Charlot N Daci T Dahms M Dalchenko L Dobrzynski A Florent R Granier de Cassagnac M Haguenauer P Miné C Mironov I N Naranjo M Nguyen C Ochando P Paganini D Sabes R Salerno Y Sirois C Veelken A Zabi J-L Agram J Andrea D Bloch D Bodin J-M Brom M Cardaci E C Chabert C Collard E Conte F Drouhin J-C Fontaine D Gelé U Goerlach P Juillot A-C Le Bihan P Van Hove S Beauceron N Beaupere O Bondu G Boudoul S Brochet J Chasserat R Chierici D Contardo P Depasse H El Mamouni J Fay S Gascon M Gouzevitch B Ille T Kurca M Lethuillier L Mirabito S Perries L Sgandurra V Sordini Y Tschudi P Verdier S Viret Z Tsamalaidze C Autermann S Beranek B Calpas M Edelhoff L Feld N Heracleous O Hindrichs R Jussen K Klein J Merz A Ostapchuk A Perieanu F Raupach J Sammet S Schael D Sprenger H Weber B Wittmer V Zhukov M Ata J Caudron E Dietz-Laursonn D Duchardt M Erdmann R Fischer A Güth T Hebbeker C Heidemann K Hoepfner D Klingebiel P Kreuzer M Merschmeyer A Meyer M Olschewski K Padeken P Papacz H Pieta H Reithler S A Schmitz L Sonnenschein J Steggemann D Teyssier S Thüer M Weber M Bontenackels V Cherepanov Y Erdogan G Flügge H Geenen M Geisler W Haj Ahmad F Hoehle B Kargoll T Kress Y Kuessel J Lingemann A Nowack I M Nugent L Perchalla O Pooth P Sauerland A Stahl M Aldaya Martin I Asin N Bartosik J Behr W Behrenhoff U Behrens M Bergholz A Bethani K Borras A Burgmeier A Cakir L Calligaris A Campbell E Castro F Costanza D Dammann C Diez Pardos T Dorland G Eckerlin D Eckstein G Flucke A Geiser I Glushkov P Gunnellini S Habib J Hauk G Hellwig H Jung M Kasemann P Katsas C Kleinwort H Kluge A Knutsson M Krämer D Krücker E Kuznetsova W Lange J Leonard W Lohmann B Lutz R Mankel I Marfin M Marienfeld I-A Melzer-Pellmann A B Meyer J Mnich A Mussgiller S Naumann-Emme O Novgorodova F Nowak J Olzem H Perrey A Petrukhin D Pitzl A Raspereza P M Ribeiro Cipriano C Riedl E Ron M Rosin J Salfeld-Nebgen R Schmidt T Schoerner-Sadenius N Sen A Spiridonov M Stein R Walsh C Wissing V Blobel H Enderle J Erfle U Gebbert M Görner M Gosselink J Haller T Hermanns R S Höing K Kaschube G Kaussen H Kirschenmann R Klanner J Lange T Peiffer N Pietsch D Rathjens C Sander H Schettler P Schleper E Schlieckau A Schmidt M Schröder T Schum M Seidel J Sibille V Sola H Stadie G Steinbrück J Thomsen L Vanelderen C Barth

The first measurement of vector-boson production associated with a top quark-antiquark pair in proton-proton collisions at sqrt[s] = 7  TeV is presented. The results are based on a data set corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.0  fb(-1), recorded by the CMS detector at the LHC in 2011. The measurement is performed in two independent channels through a trilepton analysis of ttZ events ...

S Spandole D Cimponeriu M Toma I Radu DA Ion

Torque teno viruses (TTVs) are recently discovered DNA viruses, with heterogeneous genomes, highly prevalent in populations worldwide. The species that infect humans are Torque teno virus (TTV), Torque teno midi virus (TTMDV) and Torque teno mini virus (TTMV). High-resolution melting analysis (HRMA) is a sensitive and effective method for genotyping and mutation scanning. Up to now, HRMA has no...

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