نتایج جستجو برای: standard deviations

تعداد نتایج: 540384  

Titus J. Galama

I review T-ray burst optical/multiwavelength afterglow observations since 1997, when the first counterparts to GRBs were discovered. I discuss what we have learned from multiwavelength observations of GRB afterglows in relation to the ‘standard’ fireball plus relativistic blast-wave models. To first order, the ‘standard’ model describes the afterglow observations well, but a wealth of informati...

Sean F. Reardon Benjamin R. Shear Katherine E. Castellano Andrew D. Ho

Test score distributions of schools or demographic groups are often summarized by frequencies of students scoring in a small number of ordered proficiency categories. We show that heteroskedastic ordered probit (HETOP) models can be used to estimate means and standard deviations of multiple groups’ test score distributions from such data. Because the scale of HETOP estimates is indeterminate up...

Journal: :Physical review letters 2012
T Aaltonen V M Abazov B Abbott B S Acharya M Adams T Adams G D Alexeev G Alkhazov A Alton B Alvarez González G Alverson S Amerio D Amidei A Anastassov A Annovi J Antos G Apollinari J A Appel T Arisawa A Artikov J Asaadi W Ashmanskas A Askew S Atkins B Auerbach K Augsten A Aurisano C Avila F Azfar F Badaud W Badgett T Bae L Bagby B Baldin D V Bandurin S Banerjee A Barbaro-Galtieri E Barberis P Baringer V E Barnes B A Barnett P Barria J F Bartlett P Bartos U Bassler M Bauce V Bazterra A Bean F Bedeschi M Begalli S Behari L Bellantoni G Bellettini J Bellinger D Benjamin A Beretvas S B Beri G Bernardi R Bernhard I Bertram M Besançon R Beuselinck P C Bhat S Bhatia V Bhatnagar A Bhatti M Binkley D Bisello I Bizjak K R Bland G Blazey S Blessing K Bloom B Blumenfeld A Bocci A Bodek A Boehnlein D Boline E E Boos G Borissov D Bortoletto T Bose J Boudreau A Boveia A Brandt O Brandt L Brigliadori R Brock C Bromberg A Bross D Brown J Brown E Brucken J Budagov X B Bu H S Budd M Buehler V Buescher V Bunichev S Burdin K Burkett G Busetto P Bussey C P Buszello A Buzatu A Calamba C Calancha E Camacho-Pérez S Camarda M Campanelli M Campbell F Canelli B Carls D Carlsmith R Carosi S Carrillo S Carron B Casal M Casarsa B C K Casey H Castilla-Valdez A Castro P Catastini S Caughron D Cauz V Cavaliere M Cavalli-Sforza A Cerri L Cerrito S Chakrabarti D Chakraborty K M Chan A Chandra E Chapon G Chen Y C Chen M Chertok S Chevalier-Théry G Chiarelli G Chlachidze F Chlebana D K Cho K Cho S W Cho S Choi D Chokheli B Choudhary W H Chung Y S Chung S Cihangir M A Ciocci D Claes A Clark C Clarke J Clutter G Compostella M E Convery J Conway M Cooke W E Cooper M Corbo M Corcoran M Cordelli F Couderc M-C Cousinou C A Cox D J Cox F Crescioli A Croc J Cuevas R Culbertson D Cutts D Dagenhart N d'Ascenzo A Das M Datta G Davies P de Barbaro S J de Jong E De La Cruz-Burelo F Déliot M Dell'orso R Demina L Demortier M Deninno D Denisov S P Denisov M d'Errico S Desai C Deterre K Devaughan F Devoto A Di Canto B Di Ruzza H T Diehl M Diesburg P F Ding J R Dittmann A Dominguez S Donati P Dong M D'Onofrio M Dorigo T Dorigo A Dubey L V Dudko D Duggan A Duperrin S Dutt A Dyshkant M Eads K Ebina D Edmunds A Elagin J Ellison V D Elvira Y Enari A Eppig R Erbacher S Errede N Ershaidat R Eusebi H Evans A Evdokimov V N Evdokimov G Facini S Farrington M Feindt L Feng T Ferbel J P Fernandez C Ferrazza F Fiedler R Field F Filthaut W Fisher H E Fisk G Flanagan R Forrest M Fortner H Fox M J Frank M Franklin J C Freeman S Fuess Y Funakoshi M Gallinaro A Garcia-Bellido J E Garcia J A García-González G A García-Guerra A F Garfinkel P Garosi V Gavrilov P Gay W Geng D Gerbaudo C E Gerber H Gerberich E Gerchtein Y Gershtein S Giagu V Giakoumopoulou P Giannetti K Gibson C M Ginsburg G Ginther N Giokaris P Giromini G Giurgiu V Glagolev D Glenzinski M Gold D Goldin N Goldschmidt A Golossanov G Golovanov G Gomez-Ceballos G Gomez M Goncharov O González I Gorelov A T Goshaw K Goulianos A Goussiou P D Grannis S Greder H Greenlee G Grenier S Grinstein Ph Gris J-F Grivaz A Grohsjean C Grosso-Pilcher R C Group S Grünendahl M W Grünewald T Guillemin J Guimaraes da Costa G Gutierrez P Gutierrez S Hagopian S R Hahn J Haley E Halkiadakis A Hamaguchi J Y Han L Han F Happacher K Hara K Harder D Hare M Hare A Harel R F Harr K Hatakeyama J M Hauptman C Hays J Hays T Head T Hebbeker M Heck D Hedin H Hegab J Heinrich A P Heinson U Heintz C Hensel I Heredia-De La Cruz M Herndon K Herner G Hesketh S Hewamanage M D Hildreth R Hirosky T Hoang J D Hobbs A Hocker B Hoeneisen J Hogan M Hohlfeld W Hopkins D Horn S Hou I Howley Z Hubacek R E Hughes M Hurwitz U Husemann N Hussain M Hussein J Huston V Hynek I Iashvili Y Ilchenko R Illingworth G Introzzi M Iori A S Ito A Ivanov S Jabeen M Jaffré E James D Jang A Jayasinghe B Jayatilaka D T Jeans E J Jeon M S Jeong R Jesik P Jiang S Jindariani K Johns E Johnson M Johnson A Jonckheere M Jones P Jonsson K K Joo J Joshi S Y Jun A W Jung T R Junk A Juste K Kaadze E Kajfasz T Kamon P E Karchin D Karmanov A Kasmi P A Kasper Y Kato I Katsanos R Kehoe S Kermiche W Ketchum J Keung N Khalatyan A Khanov A Kharchilava Y N Kharzheev V Khotilovich B Kilminster D H Kim H S Kim J E Kim M J Kim S B Kim S H Kim Y J Kim Y K Kim N Kimura M Kirby I Kiselevich S Klimenko K Knoepfel J M Kohli K Kondo D J Kong J Konigsberg A V Kotwal A V Kozelov J Kraus M Kreps J Kroll D Krop M Kruse V Krutelyov T Kuhr S Kulikov A Kumar A Kupco M Kurata T Kurča V A Kuzmin S Kwang A T Laasanen S Lami S Lammel S Lammers M Lancaster R L Lander K Lannon A Lath G Latino P Lebrun T Lecompte E Lee H S Lee J S Lee S W Lee W M Lee X Lei J Lellouch S Leo S Leone J D Lewis D Li H Li L Li Q Z Li J K Lim A Limosani D Lincoln C-J Lin M Lindgren J Linnemann V V Lipaev E Lipeles R Lipton A Lister D O Litvintsev C Liu H Liu Q Liu T Liu Y Liu A Lobodenko S Lockwitz A Loginov M Lokajicek R Lopes de Sa H J Lubatti D Lucchesi J Lueck P Lujan P Lukens R Luna-Garcia G Lungu A L Lyon R Lysak J Lys A K A Maciel R Madar R Madrak P Maestro R Magaña-Villalba S Malik V L Malyshev G Manca

We combine searches by the CDF and D0 Collaborations for the associated production of a Higgs boson with a W or Z boson and subsequent decay of the Higgs boson to a bottom-antibottom quark pair. The data, originating from Fermilab Tevatron pp collisions at √s = 1.96 TeV, correspond to integrated luminosities of up to 9.7 fb(-1). The searches are conducted for a Higgs boson with mass in the rang...

Thorsten Janus Daniel Riera-Crichton

This paper studies the effect of real effective exchange rate (REER) volatility on economic growth as well as the euro’s effect on REER volatility. We first show that, after a plausible endogeneity correction, REER volatility is negatively associated with growth in a 1980~2011 panel of OECD countries. One standard deviation volatility decrease is associated with about two percentage points (0.8...

Journal: :Physical review letters 2008
T Aaltonen J Adelman T Akimoto M G Albrow B Alvarez González S Amerio D Amidei A Anastassov A Annovi J Antos G Apollinari A Apresyan T Arisawa A Artikov W Ashmanskas A Attal A Aurisano F Azfar P Azzurri W Badgett A Barbaro-Galtieri V E Barnes B A Barnett V Bartsch G Bauer P-H Beauchemin F Bedeschi P Bednar D Beecher S Behari G Bellettini J Bellinger D Benjamin A Beretvas J Beringer A Bhatti M Binkley D Bisello I Bizjak R E Blair C Blocker B Blumenfeld A Bocci A Bodek V Boisvert G Bolla D Bortoletto J Boudreau A Boveia B Brau A Bridgeman L Brigliadori C Bromberg E Brubaker J Budagov H S Budd S Budd K Burkett G Busetto P Bussey A Buzatu K L Byrum S Cabrera C Calancha M Campanelli M Campbell F Canelli A Canepa D Carlsmith R Carosi S Carrillo S Carron B Casal M Casarsa A Castro P Catastini D Cauz V Cavaliere M Cavalli-Sforza A Cerri L Cerrito S H Chang Y C Chen M Chertok G Chiarelli G Chlachidze F Chlebana K Cho D Chokheli J P Chou G Choudalakis S H Chuang K Chung W H Chung Y S Chung C I Ciobanu M A Ciocci A Clark D Clark G Compostella M E Convery J Conway K Copic M Cordelli G Cortiana D J Cox F Crescioli C Cuenca Almenar J Cuevas R Culbertson J C Cully D Dagenhart M Datta T Davies P de Barbaro S De Cecco A Deisher G De Lorenzo M Dell'orso C Deluca L Demortier J Deng M Deninno P F Derwent G P di Giovanni C Dionisi B Di Ruzza J R Dittmann M D'Onofrio S Donati P Dong J Donini T Dorigo S Dube J Efron A Elagin R Erbacher D Errede S Errede R Eusebi H C Fang S Farrington W T Fedorko R G Feild M Feindt J P Fernandez C Ferrazza R Field G Flanagan R Forrest M Franklin J C Freeman I Furic M Gallinaro J Galyardt F Garberson J E Garcia A F Garfinkel K Genser H Gerberich D Gerdes A Gessler S Giagu V Giakoumopoulou P Giannetti K Gibson J L Gimmell C M Ginsburg N Giokaris M Giordani P Giromini M Giunta G Giurgiu V Glagolev D Glenzinski M Gold N Goldschmidt A Golossanov G Gomez G Gomez-Ceballos M Goncharov O González I Gorelov A T Goshaw K Goulianos A Gresele S Grinstein C Grosso-Pilcher U Grundler J Guimaraes da Costa Z Gunay-Unalan C Haber K Hahn S R Hahn E Halkiadakis B-Y Han J Y Han R Handler F Happacher K Hara D Hare M Hare S Harper R F Harr R M Harris M Hartz K Hatakeyama J Hauser C Hays M Heck A Heijboer B Heinemann J Heinrich C Henderson M Herndon J Heuser S Hewamanage D Hidas C S Hill D Hirschbuehl A Hocker S Hou M Houlden S-C Hsu B T Huffman R E Hughes U Husemann J Huston J Incandela G Introzzi M Iori A Ivanov E James B Jayatilaka E J Jeon M K Jha S Jindariani W Johnson M Jones K K Joo S Y Jun J E Jung T R Junk T Kamon D Kar P E Karchin Y Kato R Kephart J Keung V Khotilovich B Kilminster D H Kim H S Kim J E Kim M J Kim S B Kim S H Kim Y K Kim N Kimura L Kirsch S Klimenko B Knuteson B R Ko S A Koay K Kondo D J Kong J Konigsberg A Korytov A V Kotwal M Kreps J Kroll D Krop N Krumnack M Kruse V Krutelyov T Kubo T Kuhr N P Kulkarni M Kurata Y Kusakabe S Kwang A T Laasanen S Lami S Lammel M Lancaster R L Lander K Lannon A Lath G Latino I Lazzizzera T Lecompte E Lee H S Lee S W Lee S Leone J D Lewis C S Lin J Linacre M Lindgren E Lipeles T M Liss A Lister D O Litvintsev C Liu T Liu N S Lockyer A Loginov M Loreti L Lovas R-S Lu D Lucchesi J Lueck C Luci P Lujan P Lukens G Lungu L Lyons J Lys R Lysak E Lytken P Mack D Macqueen R Madrak K Maeshima K Makhoul T Maki P Maksimovic S Malde S Malik G Manca A Manousakis-Katsikakis F Margaroli C Marino C P Marino A Martin V Martin M Martínez R Martínez-Ballarín T Maruyama P Mastrandrea T Masubuchi M E Mattson P Mazzanti K S McFarland P McIntyre R McNulty A Mehta P Mehtala A Menzione P Merkel C Mesropian T Miao N Miladinovic R Miller C Mills M Milnik A Mitra G Mitselmakher H Miyake N Moggi C S Moon R Moore M J Morello J Morlok P Movilla Fernandez J Mülmenstädt A Mukherjee Th Muller R Mumford P Murat M Mussini J Nachtman Y Nagai A Nagano J Naganoma K Nakamura I Nakano A Napier V Necula C Neu M S Neubauer J Nielsen L Nodulman M Norman O Norniella E Nurse L Oakes S H Oh Y D Oh I Oksuzian T Okusawa R Orava K Osterberg S Pagan Griso C Pagliarone E Palencia V Papadimitriou A Papaikonomou A A Paramonov B Parks S Pashapour J Patrick G Pauletta M Paulini C Paus T Peiffer D E Pellett A Penzo T J Phillips G Piacentino E Pianori L Pinera K Pitts C Plager L Pondrom O Poukhov N Pounder F Prakoshyn A Pronko J Proudfoot F Ptohos E Pueschel G Punzi J Pursley J Rademacker A Rahaman V Ramakrishnan N Ranjan I Redondo B Reisert V Rekovic P Renton M Renz M Rescigno S Richter F Rimondi L Ristori A Robson T Rodrigo T Rodriguez E Rogers S Rolli R Roser M Rossi R Rossin P Roy A Ruiz J Russ V Rusu H Saarikko A Safonov W K Sakumoto O Saltó L Santi S Sarkar L Sartori K Sato A Savoy-Navarro I Schall T Scheidle P Schlabach A Schmidt E E Schmidt M A Schmidt M P Schmidt M Schmitt T Schwarz L Scodellaro A L Scott A Scribano F Scuri A Sedov S Seidel Y Seiya A Semenov L Sexton-Kennedy A Sfyrla S Z Shalhout T Shears P F Shepard D Sherman M Shimojima S Shiraishi M Shochet Y Shon I Shreyber A Sidoti P Sinervo A Sisakyan A J Slaughter J Slaunwhite K Sliwa J R Smith F D Snider R Snihur A Soha S Somalwar V Sorin J Spalding T Spreitzer

We report a measurement of the single-top-quark production cross section in 2.2 fb;{-1} of pp collision data collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab at sqrt[s]=1.96 TeV. Candidate events are classified as signal-like by three parallel analyses which use likelihood, matrix element, and neural network discriminants. These results are combined in order to improve the sensitivity. We observe...

Journal: :Applied ergonomics 2013
Pieter Coenen Idsart Kingma Cécile R L Boot Paulien M Bongers Jaap H van Dieën

Valid and reliable low-back load assessment tools that can be used in field situations are needed for epidemiologic studies and for ergonomic practice. The aim of this study was to assess the inter-rater reliability of a low-back load video-analysis method in a field setting. Five raters analyzed 50 work site manual material handling tasks of 14 workers. Peak and mean moments at the level of L5...

A. Fridman A. Snyder

We discuss the Bi + p+p-decay channel, which is sensitive to deviations from the standard model. We also consider the Bt mixing information that could be obtained from these decays in the framework of the standard model. Finally, we comment on the experimental difficulties of observing the Bf + p+p "-channel. PACS13.20.-v-Leptonic and sernileptonic decays of mesons. To illustrate the usefulness...

Journal: :Journal of AOAC International 1997
S D House

Using gas chromatography (GC), 10 collaborating laboratories measured total, saturated, and monounsaturated fats in 8 blind duplicate pairs of foodstuffs. The method involves a hydrolysis/ether extraction of fat followed by quantitative GC analysis versus an internal standard. Calculations were designed to comply with federal regulations as specified in the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act ...

Titus J. Galama

I review γ-ray burst optical/multiwavelength afterglow observations since 1997, when the first counterparts to GRBs were discovered. I discuss what we have learned from multiwavelength observations of GRB afterglows in relation to the ‘standard’ fireball plus relativistic blast-wave models. To first order the ‘standard’ model describes the afterglow observations well, but a wealth of informatio...

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