نتایج جستجو برای: minimal ideal

تعداد نتایج: 234992  


This paper is concerned with a relationship between the existence of subvarieties of principally polarized abelian varieties (ppav’s) having minimal cohomology class and the (generic) vanishing of certain sheaf cohomology, based on the Generic Vanishing criterion studied in [PP3]. This is in analogy with the well-known equivalence between a subvariety in projective space being of minimal degree...


In this paper, we give a ‘direct’ construction of the endomorphism ring of supersingular elliptic curves over a prime field Fp from ‘ideal classes’ of Q( √−p). We use the result to prove that the result of Kaneko on ‘minimal’ CM liftings of such supersingular elliptic curves is a best possible result. We also prove that the result of Elkies on ‘minimal’ CM liftings of all supersingular elliptic...

Journal: :مدلسازی پیشرفته ریاضی 0
فریبرز آذرپناه گروه ریاضی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز سوسن افروز گروه ریاضی دانشگاه شهید چمران اهواز

in this article, we study the artin-rees property in  c(x), in the  rings of fractions of  c(x) and in the factor rings of c(x) . we show that c(x)/(f) is an artin-rees ring if and only if  z(f)  is an open p-space. a necessary and sufficient condition for the local rings of  c(x)   to be artin-rees rings is that each prime ideal in  c(x)  becomes minimal and it turns out that every local ring ...

Journal: :ethno- pharmaceutical products 2014
sayed rasoul zaker shahin gavanji sayedeh sana sayedipour azizollah bakhtari elham shirani bidabadi

nowadays, many antibiotics are being used to control infectious diseases. inappropriate use of antibiotics leads to emergence of resistant bacteria and problems such as a prolonged course of treatment. medicinal plants and their derivatives, as a good source of treatment, are effective against drug resistance. in this study we have evaluated the antimicrobial activity of herbal essential oils o...


In this article we study the structure of residual intersections via constructing a finite complex which is acyclic under some sliding depth conditions on the cycles of the Koszul complex. This complex provides information on an ideal which coincides with the residual intersection in the case of geometric residual intersection; and is closely related to it in general. A new success obtained thr...

Journal: :Journal of Algebra 2023

We prove that every quasi-complete intersection (q.c.i.) ideal is obtained from a pair of nested complete ideals by way flat base change. As by-product we establish rigidity statement for the minimal two-step Tate complex associated to an I in local ring R. Furthermore, define T each R; and result it. The exact if only q.c.i. ideal; this case, resolution R/I free R-modules.

Brian Harbourne

Given distinct points p1, . . . , pr of a smooth variety V (over an algebraically closed field k) and positive integers mi, Z = m1p1 + · · · +mrpr denotes the subscheme defined locally at each point pi by I mi i , where Ii is the maximal ideal in the local ring OV,pi at pi of the structure sheaf. More briefly, we say Z is a fat point subscheme of V . In the case that V is P for some n, it is of...

Journal: :Annals of emergency medicine 2014
Michael A LaMantia Frank C Messina Cherri D Hobgood Douglas K Miller

Older adults who visit emergency departments (EDs) often experience delirium, but it is infrequently recognized. A systematic review was therefore conducted to identify what delirium screening tools have been used in ED-based epidemiologic studies of delirium, whether there is a validated set of screening instruments to identify delirium among older adults in the ED or prehospital environments,...

Gerhard Wendt

We study the structure of 0-primitive near-rings and are able to answer an open question in the theory of minimal ideals in near-rings to the negative, namely if the heart of a zero symmetric subdirectly irreducible near-ring is subdirectly irreducible again. Also, we will be able to classify when a simple near-ring with an identity and containing a minimal left ideal is a Jacobson radical near...


We show that given a finitely generated standard graded algebra of dimension d over an infinite field, its graded Noether normalizations obey a certain kind of ‘generic exchange’, allowing one to pass between any two of them in at most d steps. We prove analogous generic exchange theorems for minimal reductions of an ideal, minimal complete reductions of a set of ideals, and minimal complete re...

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