This paper describes two experiments which investigate how believers in the paranormal (labelled 'Sheep') and disbelievers (labelled 'Goats') recall different aspects of pseudo-psychic demonstrations (i.e., conjuring tricks that can be misinterpreted as genuine psychic phenomena). In both experiments Ss were first shown a videotape containing pseudo-psychic trickery. They were then asked to rat...
:Hungarian journal of English and American studies /2022
Book review:
 Jordan-Zachery, Julia S. and Duchess Harris, eds. Black Girl Magic Beyond the Hashtag: Twenty-First-Century Acts of Self-Definition. Tucson: U Arizona P, 2019. 216 pages, ISBN 9780816539536. Pbk. $19.95.
Correspondence to: Y H Chan Tel: (65) 6317 2121 Fax: (65) 6317 2122 Email: chanyh@ INTRODUCTION A common question posed to a biostatistician from a medical researcher is “How many subjects do I need to obtain a significant result for my study?”. That magic number! In the manufacturing industry, it is permitted to test thousands of components in order to derive a conclusive result b...