نتایج جستجو برای: stat 6

تعداد نتایج: 965805  

Journal: :The Journal of general virology 2001
S Smola-Hess U S de Silva D Hadaschik H J Pfister

Cervical carcinoma cells producing high levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) were shown to be unresponsive to the cytokine IL-6 due to the loss of their IL-6 receptor. Addition of IL-6 receptor in a soluble form restores IL-6 signalling in SW756 carcinoma cells. This leads to a rapid and strong activation of the transcription factor signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). Nuclear ...

Journal: :JNCI Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1992

Oded Danziger Tal Pupko Eran Bacharach Marcelo Ehrlich

Malignancy-induced alterations to cytokine signaling in tumor cells differentially regulate their interactions with the immune system and oncolytic viruses. The abundance of inflammatory cytokines in the tumor microenvironment suggests that such signaling plays key roles in tumor development and therapy efficacy. The JAK-STAT axis transduces signals of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and interferons (IFNs...

Journal: :Physical review letters 2008
J Abraham P Abreu M Aglietta C Aguirre D Allard I Allekotte J Allen P Allison J Alvarez-Muñiz M Ambrosio L Anchordoqui S Andringa A Anzalone C Aramo S Argirò K Arisaka E Armengaud F Arneodo F Arqueros T Asch H Asorey P Assis B S Atulugama J Aublin M Ave G Avila T Bäcker D Badagnani A F Barbosa D Barnhill S L C Barroso B Baughman P Bauleo J J Beatty T Beau B R Becker K H Becker J A Bellido S Benzvi C Berat T Bergmann P Bernardini X Bertou P L Biermann P Billoir O Blanch-Bigas F Blanco P Blasi C Bleve H Blümer M Bohácová C Bonifazi R Bonino J Brack P Brogueira W C Brown P Buchholz A Bueno R E Burton N G Busca K S Caballero-Mora B Cai D V Camin L Caramete R Caruso W Carvalho A Castellina O Catalano G Cataldi L Cazon R Cester J Chauvin A Chiavassa J A Chinellato A Chou J Chudoba J Chye P D J Clark R W Clay E Colombo R Conceição B Connolly F Contreras J Coppens A Cordier U Cotti S Coutu C E Covault A Creusot A Criss J Cronin A Curutiu S Dagoret-Campagne K Daumiller B R Dawson R M de Almeida C De Donato S J de Jong G De La Vega W J M de Mello Junior J R T de Mello Neto I De Mitri V de Souza L Del Peral O Deligny A Della Selva C Delle Fratte H Dembinski C Di Giulio J C Diaz P N Diep C Dobrigkeit J C D'Olivo P N Dong D Dornic A Dorofeev J C Dos Anjos M T Dova D D'Urso I Dutan M A Duvernois R Engel L Epele M Erdmann C O Escobar A Etchegoyen P Facal San Luis H Falcke G Farrar A C Fauth N Fazzini F Ferrer A Ferrero B Fick A Filevich A Filipcic I Fleck C E Fracchiolla W Fulgione B García D García Gámez D Garcia-Pinto X Garrido H Geenen G Gelmini H Gemmeke P L Ghia M Giller H Glass M S Gold G Golup F Gomez Albarracin M Gómez Berisso P Gonçalves M Gonçalves do Amaral D Gonzalez J G Gonzalez M González D Góra A Gorgi P Gouffon V Grassi A F Grillo C Grunfeld Y Guardincerri F Guarino G P Guedes J Gutiérrez J D Hague V Halenka J C Hamilton P Hansen D Harari S Harmsma J L Harton A Haungs T Hauschildt M D Healy T Hebbeker G Hebrero D Heck C Hojvat V C Holmes P Homola J R Hörandel A Horneffer M Hrabovský T Huege M Hussain M Iarlori A Insolia F Ionita A Italiano M Kaducak K H Kampert T Karova P Kasper B Kégl B Keilhauer E Kemp R M Kieckhafer H O Klages M Kleifges J Kleinfeller R Knapik J Knapp D-H Koang A Krieger O Krömer D Kuempel N Kunka A Kusenko G La Rosa C Lachaud B L Lago D Lebrun P Lebrun J Lee M A Leigui de Oliveira A Letessier-Selvon M Leuthold I Lhenry-Yvon R López A Lopez Agüera J Lozano Bahilo A Lucero R Luna García M C Maccarone C Macolino S Maldera G Mancarella M E Manceñido D Mandat P Mantsch A G Mariazzi I C Maris H R Marquez Falcon D Martello J Martínez O Martínez Bravo H J Mathes J Matthews J A J Matthews G Matthiae D Maurizio P O Mazur T McCauley M McEwen R R McNeil M C Medina G Medina-Tanco D Melo E Menichetti A Menschikov C Meurer R Meyhandan M I Micheletti G Miele W Miller S Mollerach M Monasor D Monnier Ragaigne F Montanet B Morales C Morello J C Moreno C Morris M Mostafá M A Muller R Mussa G Navarra J L Navarro S Navas P Necesal L Nellen C Newman-Holmes D Newton P T Nhung N Nierstenhoefer D Nitz D Nosek L Nozka J Oehlschläger T Ohnuki A Olinto V M Olmos-Gilbaja M Ortiz F Ortolani S Ostapchenko L Otero N Pacheco D Pakk Selmi-Dei M Palatka J Pallotta G Parente E Parizot S Parlati S Pastor M Patel T Paul V Pavlidou K Payet M Pech J Pekala R Pelayo I M Pepe L Perrone R Pesce S Petrera P Petrinca Y Petrov A Pichel R Piegaia T Pierog M Pimenta T Pinto V Pirronello O Pisanti M Platino J Pochon P Privitera M Prouza E J Quel J Rautenberg A Redondo S Reucroft B Revenu F A S Rezende J Ridky S Riggi M Risse C Rivière V Rizi M Roberts C Robledo G Rodriguez J Rodriguez Martino J Rodriguez Rojo I Rodriguez-Cabo M D Rodríguez-Frías G Ros J Rosado M Roth B Rouillé-d'Orfeuil E Roulet A C Rovero F Salamida H Salazar G Salina F Sánchez M Santander C E Santo E M Santos F Sarazin S Sarkar R Sato V Scherini H Schieler A Schmidt F Schmidt T Schmidt O Scholten P Schovánek F Schroeder S Schulte F Schüssler S J Sciutto M Scuderi A Segreto D Semikoz M Settimo R C Shellard I Sidelnik B B Siffert G Sigl N Smetniansky De Grande A Smiałkowski R Smída A G K Smith B E Smith G R Snow P Sokolsky P Sommers J Sorokin H Spinka R Squartini E Strazzeri A Stutz F Suarez T Suomijärvi A D Supanitsky M S Sutherland J Swain Z Szadkowski J Takahashi A Tamashiro A Tamburro T Tarutina O Taşcău R Tcaciuc N T Thao D Thomas R Ticona J Tiffenberg C Timmermans W Tkaczyk C J Todero Peixoto B Tomé A Tonachini I Torres P Travnicek A Tripathi G Tristram D Tscherniakhovski V Tuci M Tueros V Tunnicliffe R Ulrich M Unger M Urban J F Valdés Galicia I Valiño L Valore A M van den Berg V van Elewyck R A Vázquez D Veberic A Veiga A Velarde T Venters V Verzi M Videla L Villaseñor S Vorobiov L Voyvodic H Wahlberg P Wahrlich O Wainberg P Walker D Warner A A Watson S Westerhoff G Wieczorek L Wiencke B Wilczyńska H Wilczyński C Wileman M G Winnick H Wu B Wundheiler T Yamamoto P Younk E Zas D Zavrtanik M Zavrtanik I Zaw A Zepeda M Ziolkowski

The energy spectrum of cosmic rays above 2.5 x 10;{18} eV, derived from 20,000 events recorded at the Pierre Auger Observatory, is described. The spectral index gamma of the particle flux, J proportional, variantE;{-gamma}, at energies between 4 x 10;{18} eV and 4 x 10;{19} eV is 2.69+/-0.02(stat)+/-0.06(syst), steepening to 4.2+/-0.4(stat)+/-0.06(syst) at higher energies. The hypothesis of a s...

Journal: :Physical review letters 2005
G Beer A M Bragadireanu M Cargnelli C Curceanu-Petrascu J-P Egger H Fuhrmann C Guaraldo M Iliescu T Ishiwatari K Itahashi M Iwasaki P Kienle T Koike B Lauss V Lucherini L Ludhova J Marton F Mulhauser T Ponta L A Schaller R Seki D L Sirghi F Sirghi J Zmeskal

The DEAR (DAPhiNE exotic atom research) experiment measured the energy of x rays emitted in the transitions to the ground state of kaonic hydrogen. The measured values for the shift epsilon and the width Gamma of the 1s state due to the K(-)p strong interaction are epsilon(1s)=-193 +/- 37 (stat) +/- 6 (syst) eV and Gamma(1s)=249 +/- 111 (stat) +/- 30 (syst) eV, the most precise values yet obtai...

John Fox Georges Monette

Abstract Hypothesis-error (or “HE”) plots, introduced by Friendly (J Stat Softw 17(6):1–42, 2006a; J Comput Graph Stat 16:421–444, 2006b), permit the visualization of hypothesis tests in multivariate linear models by representing hypothesis and error matrices of sums of squares and cross-products as ellipses. This paper describes the implementation of these methods in the heplots package for R,...

Journal: :Rheumatology 2015
Pia Isomäki Ilkka Junttila Krista-Liisa Vidqvist Markku Korpela Olli Silvennoinen

OBJECTIVE Many cytokines involved in RA activate the Janus kinase-signal transducer and activator of transcription (JAK-STAT) pathways. Therapeutic drugs that inhibit these pathways are being developed for RA. To investigate disease-related alterations in the activity of JAK-STAT pathways in RA, we studied the expression and activation of STAT1 and STAT3 in unstimulated and cytokine-stimulated ...

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