نتایج جستجو برای: req
تعداد نتایج: 235 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
BACKGROUND Idiopathic non-histaminergic acquired angioedema (InH-AAE) is a rare disease for which there are no available laboratory parameters to clearly define the disorder. Therapy is often difficult and various treatment options have been proposed. In this paper, we have evaluated the most effective therapies for InH-AAE on the basis of current literature and report the therapeutic effect of...
We have investigated Sr1−xLax/2Kx/2RuO3 and Sr1−xPbxRuO3, which have a larger average size of the A-site cations. They manifest a gradual loss of ferromagnetism in a similar way as their counterparts with smaller Asite cations. There is also evidence for a magnetism-suppressing disorder effect similar to that observed in Sr1−xLax/2Nax/2RuO3. Therefore, the Stoner ferromagnetism in SrRuO3 is rat...
The logic LTL extends LTL by quality operators. The satisfaction value of an LTL formula in a computation refines the 0/1 value of LTL formulas to a real value in [0, 1]. The higher the value is, the better is the quality of the computation. The quality operator Oλ, for a quality constant λ ∈ [0, 1], enables the designer to prioritize different satisfaction possibilities. Formally, the satisfac...
This study determined the effects of hypohydration on aerobic performance in compensable [evaporative cooling requirement (E(req)) < maximal evaporative cooling (E(max))] conditions of 10 degrees C [7 degrees C wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT)], 20 degrees C (16 degrees C WBGT), 30 degrees C (22 degrees C WBGT), and 40 degrees C (27 degrees C WBGT) ambient temperature (T(a)). Our hypothesis wa...
M o b ile term ina ls su ch a s cellu la r p h o nes, sm a rt p h o nes a nd P D A s req u ire w ireless c o nnectio n to ex ch a ng e info rm a tio n w ith th e ex terna l w o rld . In th is tu to ria l w e fo c u s o n w ireless p a ck et netw o rk s b a sed o n th e IE E E 8 0 2 .1 1 b p ro to c o l, c o m m o nly u sed to b u ild lo c a l a rea netw o rk s o f p a lm to p a nd no teb o o k ...
In distributed database systems, atomic commitment protocols ensure that transactions leave the database in a consistent state even if failures occur during transactions. As shown by Babaoglu and Toueg, the heart of the atomic commitment problem is equivalent to uniform timed reliable broadcast (UTRB), which is a broadcast primitive that provides the following guarantees [Babaoglu and Toueg]: B...
this sense, adaptation to the constantly forthcoming new technologies would be rather smooth. DAME This paper discusses the implementor subsystem is capable of configuring and designing a customized of DAME, a microprocessor-based-systems designer. microprocessor system from system specifications. DAME produces designs from system specifications DAME h h f 1 d " £ 1 ..goe t roug a orma es1gn pr...
The paper describes an extension of PROSPEC, a system to represent enterprises model-based to derive from the “deep” knowledge of the business processes requirements for a Quality Management System. Especially, features demanded by the new ISO 9000:2000 for such systems such as continuos improvement and determination of customer requirements are addressed. The development of the enterprise mode...
T h is p ap er starts w ith a b r ie f o v era ll p resen ta tio n o f the A V E N T IN U S pro jec t, m ere ly a list o f th e d iffe ren t inc luded m o d u les and som e com m ents. T h en fo llow s a d iscu ss io n ab o u t d rug te rm i n o lo g y and fin a lly a d esc rip tio n o f th e desig n and im p lem en ta tio n o f a ta ilo red m u ltilingual drug te rm in o lo g y database in M ...
protocol : THEORY BEGIN File : TYPE = fNONE,ONE,MANYg Msg : TYPE = [# first: bool, last: bool, toggle: bool #] State : TYPE = [# file : File, rn : bool, afile : bool, ... #] The automaton speci cation also changes but this is acceptable since Theorem 1 admits an abstract property pa distinct from the concrete property pc. We omit the details of this new automaton speci cation. In the abstract v...
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