:hepatitis monthly
paul carrier service d’hépato-gastroentérologie, chu limoges, 87042 limoges cédex, france; inserm, u850, f-87000 limoges, univ limoges, france; service d’hépato-gastroentérologie, chu limoges, 87042 limoges cédex, france. tel: +33-555056687, fax: +33-555056767
marilyne debette-gratien service d’hépato-gastroentérologie, chu limoges, 87042 limoges cédex, france; inserm, u850, f-87000 limoges, univ limoges, france
murielle girard unité d’investigation clinique, centre hospitalier spécialisé esquirol, 87042 limoges, france
jérémie jacques service d’hépato-gastroentérologie, chu limoges, 87042 limoges cédex, france
philippe nubukpo pôle d’addictologie, centre hospitalier spécialisé esquirol, 87042 limoges, france
véronique loustaud-ratti service d’hépato-gastroentérologie, chu limoges, 87042 limoges cédex, france; inserm, u850, f-87000 limoges, univ limoges, france
patients with psychiatric disorders are usually more exposed to multiple somatic illnesses, including liver diseases. specific links are established between psychiatric disorders and alcohol hepatitis, hepatitis b, and hepatitis c in the population as a whole, and specifically in drug abusers. metabolic syndrome criteria, and associated steatosis or non-alcoholic steato-hepatitis (nash) are fre...