نتایج جستجو برای: ere
تعداد نتایج: 2292 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
Diante da pandemia de COVID-19, as atividades presenciais das instituições ensino foram suspensas, e assim, surgiu a discussão sobre implementação do Ensino Remoto Emergencial (ERE). Tendo em vista que formação técnicos Enfermagem enfermeiros apresenta particularidades, como aulas práticas, observou-se necessidade debater os reflexos ERE seus respectivos cursos. Objetivo: Compartilhar experiênc...
Let R be an associative ring in which an identity element is not assumed. A right quotient ring of P is an overring 5 such that for each aQS there corresponds rQR such that arQR and ar 9*0. A theorem of R. E. Johnson [l ] states that R possesses a right quotient ring S which is a (von Neumann) regular ring if and only if P has vanishing right singular ideal. In this case P possesses a unique (u...
Introduction All nations face the challenge of simultaneously meeting two imperatives: developing their economies to meet the needs of their people, and ensuring that the productivity and viability of the underlying ecosystems and ecosystem services are maintained at healthy levels over time. Essentially, these imperatives are enshrined in the concept of sustainable development, which is common...
This research examines dynamic causality between trade surplus (TS) and exchange rate exposure (ERE), utilizing the bootstrap sub-sample rolling window test. The empirical findings indicate that there is time-varying bidirectional in TS ERE within certain sub-periods. Specifically, manifests both positive negative influences on TS. In turn, has a effect which proves export-oriented model propos...
The health emergency (Covid 19, 2020-2021) was an event that affected teaching practice in almost the entire world, including Africa and Brazil. It also highlighted differences between social strata. no different east zone of Manaus, one poorest regions Amazonian capital. like this Nampula, north Mozambique. In both locations there are precarious schools students from needy families. such condi...
Gaur egungo eta etorkizuneko teknologien garapenean giltzarri dira material magnetikoak. NdFeB imanak trantsizio energetikorako garrantzitsuak dira, sorgailu motor elektrikoetan erabiltzen eta. Aparailu elektroniko askok ere, ordenagailuak edo smartphoneak adibidez, dituzte barnean. Kritikoak diren elementu kimikoak dituzten arren, lur arraroak kobaltoa kasu, hauek gaur egun merkatu handiena du...
We present an appearance-based technique for image characterization and retrieval. Our method is translation/rotation and scale-invariant and encodes the signiicant data in the image without using any segmenta-tion. It is also very well suited to small viewpoint changes and is robust to noise and occlusion. We present several retrieval examples in large benchmark databases, including face datab...
Artikulu honek ikasgelan elkarrekintza didaktikoak diseinatzeko oinarriak eta balizko tresna bat eskaintzea du helburu. Erreminta hau irakasleei eskainitako prestakuntza prozesu baten baitan sortu da beraren aplikazioa ikertu ostean, beharrezko izan diren egokitzapenak egin dira, artikulu honetan aurkezteko. Horrekin batera, diseinu adibide testigantza errealak ere jaso tresnaren erabilpenerako...
Medikamentuek naturan duten inpaktua geroz eta interes handiagoa pizten duen gaia da. Ezaguna da medikamentuak hauen hondakinak ingurumen-konpartimentu guztietan aurkitu direla, batez ere uretan. Medikamentuak ingurumenera iristeko bide nagusiena kontsumoarekin, ondorioz ematen den iraizpenarekin dago erlazionatuta. Nolanahi ere, medikamentuen bizi-zikloaren beste faseetan gerta daitezke inguru...
Cet article décrit les liens qui existe entre certains volets de la pédagogie actualisante et une approche d’éducation relative à l’environnement (ERE) basée sur l’apprentissage expérientiel. Nous y définissons tout d’abord ce qu’est expérientiel pour ensuite décrire ses avec l’ERE. Après avoir expliqué quelle manière facilite l’acquisition ou le renforcement d’attitudes positives envers l’envi...
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