نتایج جستجو برای: composite fermion

تعداد نتایج: 132842  

Marco Frasca

We consider a massive fermion interacting with a U(1) gauge field in the limit of a large coupling constant. It is found that the current has a generalized London term that can originate massive excitations for two of the three components of the gauge field, which disappear for a free particle at rest. The origin of the superconductive term is due to a partial breaking of the gauge symmetry in ...

J. M. Brooke J. S. Al-Khalili J. A. Tostevin

Calculations which improve upon the eikonal model description of the scattering of loosely bound n-cluster composite nuclei at low and medium energies are studied. Each cluster-target eikonal phase shift is replaced by the continuation of the corresponding exact partial wave phase shift to noninteger angular momenta. Comparisons with fully quantum mechanical calculations for two-body projectile...

Michael S. Zhdanov Alexander Gribenko Vladimir Burtman Vladimir I. Dmitriev

In this paper, we study the anisotropy effect in IP data in the context of the generalized effective-medium theory of induced polarization (GEMTIP). The effective-medium conductivity defined by the GEMTIP model, in a general case, is represented by a tensor function. This tensorial property of the effective-medium conductivity provides a new insight on the anisotropy phenomenon in the IP effect...

K. S. Babu

We present a new possibility for achieving doublet–triplet splitting naturally in supersymmetric SO(10) grand unified theories. It is based on a missing partner mechanism which is realized with the 126 + 126 Higgs superfields. These Higgs fields, which are also needed for generating Majorana right–handed neutrino masses, contain a pair of color triplets in excess of weak doublets. This feature ...

T. Seidensticker

In this article two-loop QED corrections to the muon decay and corrections of order αs to the semileptonic decay of the bottom quark are considered. We compute the imaginary part of the four-loop diagrams contributing to the corresponding fermion propagator in the limit of small external momentum. The on-shell condition is obtained with the help of a conformal mapping and Padé approximation. Vi...

Anders Tranberg

In braneworld collisions fermions originally localised on one brane can be transferred to another brane, or to a space-time boundary. By modelling branes as scalar field kinks we bounce them off boundaries and study resulting effects according to a braneworld observer. Extending on our previous work, we numerically compute the spectrum of excitations of fermion modes localised on the brane and ...

S. Levitus G. Matishov D. Seidov I. Smolyar

[1] We present area-averaged time series of temperature for the 100–150 m depth layer of the Barents Sea from 1900 through 2006. This record is dominated by multidecadal variability on the order of 4 C which is correlated with the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Index. Citation: Levitus, S., G. Matishov, D. Seidov, and I. Smolyar (2009), Barents Sea multidecadal variability, Geophys. Res. Let...

Cesar Augusto Nieto Coria Luca Tesei Giuseppe Scarcella Tommaso Russo Emanuela Merelli

DISPAS is an agent-based simulator for fish stock assessment developed as a decision making support for the sustainable management of fishery. In this work we enlarge the underlying model of DISPAS allowing it to model and simulate a multi-scale scenario. We retain the currently available spatial scale, able to represent a limited average region of the sea, and we introduce a new spatial macro-...

Robert G. Edwards Bálint Joó Anthony D. Kennedy Kostas Orginos Urs Wenger

We present a comparison of various five-dimensional representations of chiral fermions considering their cost and residual chiral symmetry breaking. c Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Licence.

Kei - Ichi Kondo

In two space-time dimensions, we write down the exact and closed Schwinger-Dyson equation for the gauged Thirring model which has been proposed recently by the author. The gauged Thirring model is a natural gauge-invariant extension of the Thirring model and reduces to the Schwinger model (in the Abelian case) in the strong four-fermion coupling limit. The exact SD equation is derived by making...

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