نتایج جستجو برای: bounded parameter space

تعداد نتایج: 729855  


In the moduli space of quadratic differentials over complex structures on a surface, we construct a set of full Hausdorff dimension of points with bounded Teichmüller geodesic trajectories. The main tool is quantitative nondivergence of Teichmüller horocycles, due to Minsky and Weiss. This has an application to billiards in rational polygons.

Ganesh Baliga Anil M. Shende

This paper studies space bounded algorithms, i.e., algorithms that use a constant amount of scratch space, for the k{server problem. The paper rst shows a characterization of the set of space bounded algorithms that are competitive in nite metric spaces. The result yields a method for (1) e ectively deciding if a given space bounded algorithm is competitive in a given nite metric space, and (2)...

Luca Trevisan

A machine solves a problem using space s(·) if, for every input x, the machine outputs the correct answer and uses only the first s(|x|) cells of the tape. For a standard Turing machine, we can’t do better than linear space since x itself must be on the tape. So we will often consider a machine with multiple tapes: a read-only “input” tape, a read/write “work” or “memory” tape, and possibly a w...

Journal: :Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers 1993

Journal: :CoRR 2015
Martin Gairing Rahul Savani

We study the computational complexity of finding stable outcomes in hedonic games, which are a class of coalition formation games. We restrict our attention to symmetric additively-separable hedonic games, which are a nontrivial subclass of such games that are guaranteed to possess stable outcomes. These games are specified by an undirected edgeweighted graph: nodes are players, an outcome of t...

Andreas Malcher Carlo Mereghetti Beatrice Palano

Iterative arntys (lAs) are a, parallel computational model with a, sequential processing of the input. They are one-dimensional arrays of interacting identical deterministic finite automata. In this note, realtime-lAs with sublinear space bounds are used to accept formal languages. The existence of a proper hierarchy of space complexity classes between logarithmic anel linear space bounds is pr...

Journal: :Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society 1987

Journal: :Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1990

Journal: :Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1951

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