:emergency journal
yuh-jeng yang emergency department, shin kong wu ho-su memorial hospital, taipei, taiwan
chin-chu wu department of diagnostic radiology, shin kong wu ho-su memorial hospital, taipei, taiwan
tzong-luen wang emergency department, shin kong wu ho-su memorial hospital, taipei, taiwan
aming chor-ming lin emergency department, shin kong wu ho-su memorial hospital, taipei 111, taiwan; school of medicine, fu-jen catholic university, new taipei city 24205, taiwan
a 52-year-old woman presented with a history of diabetes mellitus under medical treatment and a surgical history of a cesarean section 20 years ago. the patient was referred to our emergency department because of a 2-week hypermenorrhea and unspecific abdominal pain without nausea and vomiting, fever, or other symptoms. she did not complain of weight loss.