نتایج جستجو برای: 384 sample selected by cochrane formula

تعداد نتایج: 7392684  

V. Khachatryan A. M. Sirunyan A. Tumasyan W. Adam T. Bergauer M. Dragicevic J. Erö M. Friedl R. Frühwirth V. M. Ghete C. Hartl N. Hörmann J. Hrubec M. Jeitler W. Kiesenhofer V. Knünz M. Krammer I. Krätschmer D. Liko I. Mikulec D. Rabady B. Rahbaran H. Rohringer R. Schöfbeck J. Strauss W. Treberer-Treberspurg W. Waltenberger C.-E. Wulz V. Mossolov N. Shumeiko J. Suarez Gonzalez S. Alderweireldt S. Bansal T. Cornelis E. A. De Wolf X. Janssen A. Knutsson J. Lauwers S. Luyckx S. Ochesanu R. Rougny M. Van De Klundert H. Van Haevermaet P. Van Mechelen N. Van Remortel A. Van Spilbeeck F. Blekman S. Blyweert J. D’Hondt N. Daci N. Heracleous J. Keaveney S. Lowette M. Maes A. Olbrechts Q. Python D. Strom S. Tavernier W. Van Doninck P. Van Mulders G. P. Van Onsem I. Villella C. Caillol B. Clerbaux G. De Lentdecker D. Dobur L. Favart A. P. R. Gay A. Grebenyuk A. Léonard A. Mohammadi L. Perniè A. Randle-conde T. Reis T. Seva L. Thomas C. Vander Velde P. Vanlaer J. Wang F. Zenoni V. Adler K. Beernaert L. Benucci A. Cimmino S. Costantini S. Crucy A. Fagot G. Garcia J. Mccartin A. A. Ocampo Rios D. Poyraz D. Ryckbosch S. Salva Diblen M. Sigamani N. Strobbe F. Thyssen M. Tytgat E. Yazgan N. Zaganidis S. Basegmez C. Beluffi G. Bruno R. Castello A. Caudron L. Ceard G. G. Da Silveira C. Delaere T. du Pree D. Favart L. Forthomme A. Giammanco J. Hollar A. Jafari P. Jez M. Komm V. Lemaitre C. Nuttens D. Pagano L. Perrini A. Pin K. Piotrzkowski A. Popov L. Quertenmont M. Selvaggi M. Vidal Marono J. M. Vizan Garcia N. Beliy T. Caebergs E. Daubie G. H. Hammad W. L. Aldá Júnior G. A. Alves L. Brito M. Correa Martins Junior T. Dos Reis Martins J. Molina C. Mora Herrera M. E. Pol P. Rebello Teles W. Carvalho J. Chinellato A. Custódio E. M. Da Costa D. De Jesus Damiao C. De Oliveira Martins S. Fonseca De Souza H. Malbouisson D. Matos Figueiredo L. Mundim H. Nogima W. L. Prado Da Silva J. Santaolalla A. Santoro A. Sznajder E. J. Tonelli Manganote A. Vilela Pereira C. A. Bernardes S. Dogra T. R. Fernandez Perez Tomei E. M. Gregores P. G. Mercadante S. F. Novaes Sandra S. Padula A. Aleksandrov V. Genchev R. Hadjiiska P. Iaydjiev A. Marinov S. Piperov M. Rodozov S. Stoykova G. Sultanov M. Vutova A. Dimitrov I. Glushkov L. Litov B. Pavlov P. Petkov J. G. Bian G. M. Chen H. S. Chen M. Chen T. Cheng R. Du C. H. Jiang R. Plestina F. Romeo J. Tao Z. Wang C. Asawatangtrakuldee Y. Ban S. Liu Y. Mao S. J. Qian D. Wang Z. Xu F. Zhang L. Zhang W. Zou C. Avila A. Cabrera L. F. Chaparro Sierra C. Florez J. P. Gomez B. Gomez Moreno J. C. Sanabria N. Godinovic D. Lelas D. Polic I. Puljak Z. Antunovic M. Kovac V. Brigljevic K. Kadija J. Luetic D. Mekterovic L. Sudic A. Attikis G. Mavromanolakis J. Mousa C. Nicolaou F. Ptochos P. A. Razis H. Rykaczewski M. Bodlak M. Finger Y. Assran A. Ellithi Kamel M. A. Mahmoud A. Radi M. Kadastik M. Murumaa M. Raidal A. Tiko P. Eerola M. Voutilainen J. Härkönen V. Karimäki R. Kinnunen T. Lampén K. Lassila-Perini S. Lehti T. Lindén P. Luukka T. Mäenpää T. Peltola E. Tuominen J. Tuominiemi E. Tuovinen L. Wendland J. Talvitie T. Tuuva M. Besancon F. Couderc M. Dejardin D. Denegri B. Fabbro J. L. Faure C. Favaro F. Ferri S. Ganjour A. Givernaud P. Gras G. Hamel de Monchenault P. Jarry E. Locci J. Malcles J. Rander A. Rosowsky M. Titov S. Baffioni F. Beaudette P. Busson E. Chapon C. Charlot T. Dahms L. Dobrzynski N. Filipovic A. Florent R. Granier de Cassagnac L. Mastrolorenzo P. Miné I. N. Naranjo M. Nguyen C. Ochando G. Ortona P. Paganini S. Regnard R. Salerno J. B. Sauvan Y. Sirois C. Veelken Y. Yilmaz A. Zabi J.-L. Agram J. Andrea A. Aubin D. Bloch J.-M. Brom E. C. Chabert N. Chanon C. Collard E. Conte J.-C. Fontaine D. Gelé U. Goerlach C. Goetzmann A.-C. Le Bihan K. Skovpen P. Van Hove S. Gadrat S. Beauceron N. Beaupere C. Bernet G. Boudoul E. Bouvier S. Brochet C. A. Carrillo Montoya J. Chasserat R. Chierici D. Contardo B. Courbon P. Depasse H. El Mamouni J. Fan J. Fay S. Gascon M. Gouzevitch B. Ille T. Kurca M. Lethuillier L. Mirabito A. L. Pequegnot S. Perries J. D. Ruiz Alvarez D. Sabes L. Sgandurra V. Sordini M. Vander Donckt P. Verdier S. Viret H. Xiao Z. Tsamalaidze C. Autermann S. Beranek M. Bontenackels M. Edelhoff L. Feld A. Heister K. Klein M. Lipinski A. Ostapchuk M. Preuten F. Raupach J. Sammet S. Schael J. F. Schulte H. Weber B. Wittmer V. Zhukov M. Ata M. Brodski E. Dietz-Laursonn D. Duchardt M. Erdmann R. Fischer A. Güth T. Hebbeker C. Heidemann K. Hoepfner D. Klingebiel S. Knutzen P. Kreuzer M. Merschmeyer A. Meyer G. Mittag P. Millet M. Olschewski K. Padeken P. Papacz H. Reithler S. A. Schmitz L. Sonnenschein D. Teyssier S. Thüer V. Cherepanov Y. Erdogan G. Flügge H. Geenen M. Geisler W. Haj Ahmad F. Hoehle B. Kargoll T. Kress Y. Kuessel A. Künsken J. Lingemann A. Nowack I. M. Nugent C. Pistone O. Pooth A. Stahl M. Aldaya Martin I. Asin N. Bartosik J. Behr U. Behrens A. J. Bell A. Bethani K. Borras A. Burgmeier A. Cakir L. Calligaris A. Campbell S. Choudhury F. Costanza C. Diez Pardos G. Dolinska S. Dooling T. Dorland G. Eckerlin D. Eckstein T. Eichhorn G. Flucke J. Garay Garcia A. Geiser A. Gizhko P. Gunnellini J. Hauk M. Hempel H. Jung A. Kalogeropoulos O. Karacheban M. Kasemann P. Katsas J. Kieseler C. Kleinwort I. Korol D. Krücker W. Lange J. Leonard K. Lipka A. Lobanov W. Lohmann B. Lutz R. Mankel I. Marfin I.-A. Melzer-Pellmann A. B. Meyer J. Mnich A. Mussgiller S. Naumann-Emme A. Nayak E. Ntomari H. Perrey D. Pitzl R. Placakyte A. Raspereza P. M. Ribeiro Cipriano B. Roland E. Ron M. Ö. Sahin J. Salfeld-Nebgen P. Saxena T. Schoerner-Sadenius M. Schröder C. Seitz S. Spannagel A. D. R. Vargas Trevino R. Walsh C. Wissing V. Blobel M. Centis Vignali A. R. Draeger J. Erfle E. Garutti K. Goebel M. Görner J. Haller M. Hoffmann R. S. Höing A. Junkes H. Kirschenmann R. Klanner R. Kogler T. Lapsien T. Lenz I. Marchesini D. Marconi D. Nowatschin J. Ott T. Peiffer A. Perieanu N. Pietsch J. Poehlsen T. Poehlsen D. Rathjens C. Sander H. Schettler P. Schleper

A search for a standard model Higgs boson produced in association with a top-quark pair and decaying to bottom quarks is presented. Events with hadronic jets and one or two oppositely charged leptons are selected from a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 19.5[Formula: see text] collected by the CMS experiment at the LHC in [Formula: see text] collisions at a centre-of-mass...

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this research examines the relationship between social participation and social tolerance. to examine the social tolerance the classification of vogt has been used and to examine the social participation, theories of participation has been studied. population of research is all of students in payam noor university of meshkinshahr (3041 people).according to cochran formula, 307 persons have been...

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علی احمدی فیروزجائی دانشجوی دوره دکتری توسعه کشاورزی دانشکده اقتصاد و توسعه کشاورزی دانشگاه تهران حسین شعبانعلی فمی دانشیار دانشکده اقتصاد و توسعه کشاورزی دانشگاه تهران ناصر مطیعی استادیار دانشکده اقتصاد و توسعه کشاورزی دانشگاه تهران فاطمه محمدی نصرآبادی استادیار پژوهشی انستیتو تحقیقات تغذیه ای و صنایع غذایی کشور، دانشگاه علوم پزشکی شهید بهشتی

this study has investigated smallholder farmers’ household food security level in mazandaran province during the two times i.e pre-harvest period and post-harvest period. using krejcie and morgan’s detrmining sample table, 384 farmers selected as a sample. a multi-stage sampling technique was used to select preciously subjects. household food insecurity access scale (hfias) was the main tool fo...

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abstract this study examines the effect of teaching lexical inferencing strategies on developing reading comprehension skill of iranian advanced efl learners. participants were female students of meraj and shokouh institudes of garmsar a quasi-experimental design using two intact advanced classes of efl students at meraj and shokouh institutes. as the first step, a general toefl proficiency te...

پایان نامه :دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد گرمسار - دانشکده ادبیات و علوم انسانی 1390

abstract the present study tried to investigate the effect of visual aids (films) on the development of the speech act of disagreement among iranian efl intermediate learners. to this end, the researcher selected 40 homogeneous intermediate learners based on their scores on oxford placement test. .the subjects then divided into control group and experimental group. both classes were tested by ...

پایان نامه :وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری - دانشگاه تربیت دبیر شهید رجایی - دانشکده ادبیات و زبانهای خارجی 1392

abstract the current study examined the role of emotional intelligence and motivation on language learning of efl learners in iranian context. the participants of this study were 162 female and 100 male junior high school students. these participants were selected by convenient sampling method. to carry out the study two questionnaires were administered to the participants. first, the adap...

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The calcium ion regulatesmanyaspects of neuronalmigration,which is an indispensable process in the development of the nervous system. Calmodulin (CaM) is a multifunctional calcium ion sensor that transduces much of the signal. To better understand the role of Ca-CaM in neuronal migration, we investigated mouse precerebellar neurons (PCNs), which undergo stereotyped, long-distance migration to r...

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