نتایج جستجو برای: t policy

تعداد نتایج: 957380  


Attendance policies may grow stricter this semester following a letter from University Provost Thomas Burish reminding pro­ fessors th a t s tu d e n ts a re not a llow ed th re e u n ex cu sed absences. “Contrary to common student lore, there is no University policy p e rm it t in g s tu d e n ts ... th re e unexcused absences from class without consequences,” Burish said in the letter, which ...


Advertisem ents referring to al­ coholic beverages will be prohibited from all university p roperty according to proposed changes in next year's Du Lac by Dean of Students Jam es R o em er. “This is a totally new issue. Before w e w ere talking about the use o f al­ cohol. Now, w e’re talking about the right o f studen ts for inform ation," said David G rote, a m em ber o f the Judicial Council...

Abdul Ghaffar Etienne V Langlois Kumanan Rasanathan Stefan Peterson Lola Adedokun Nhan T Tran

87 Realizing the health-related sustainable development goals (SDGs) requires integrated action on system-wide challenges. To address gaps in health service delivery, we need evidence on which government agencies, research institutions, donors and civil society can act.1 Unless research is relevant to specific health systems, the evidence that it generates can be dismissed by policy-makers.2 Fo...

Marco Bassetto

The fiscal theory of the price level (FTPL) describes fiscal and monetary policy rules such that the price level is determined by government debt and fiscal policy alone, with monetary policy playing at best an indirect role. This theory clashes with the monetarist view that states that money supply is the primary determinant of the price level and inflation. Furthermore, many authors have argu...

Franco Blanchini Mario Sznaier

We prove the optimality of routing policies with limitedstate information that are employed in queueing systems with finitecapacities and customers arriving at arbitrary instants. Using samplepath arguments we show that, on one hand, when service times areexponential and capacities are equal, the round robin policy minimizesthe expected number of losses by any time t and at ...

Mary Mungovan

The questionnaire contained 69 item s in th ree separa te sections. Van T assel and M arlyn Ritchie, and Bonnie Katz of the Social Science T raining and R esearch Lab form ulated the “ coed housing” and “ alcohol” portions. John Reid and the C om m ittee on C am pus Life com posed the section on “ social life” . “ The P lanning and Policy Com ­ m ittee in itiated the survey in com pliance w ith...

Journal: :Neurocomputing 2015
Yuanheng Zhu Dongbin Zhao Derong Liu

In this paper, a type of fuzzy system structure is applied to heuristic dynamic programming (HDP) algorithm to solve nonlinear discrete-time Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman (DT-HJB) problems. The fuzzy system here is adopted as a 0-order T–S fuzzy system using triangle membership functions (MFs). The convergence of HDP and approximability of the multivariate 0-order T–S fuzzy system is analyzed in this...

Journal: :CoRR 2017
Wang Chi Cheung David Simchi-Levi

Motivated by e-commerce, we study the online assortment optimization problem. The seller offers an assortment, i.e. a subset of products, to each arriving customer, who then purchases one or no product from her offered assortment. A customer’s purchase decision is governed by the underlyingMultiNomial Logit (MNL) choice model. The seller aims to maximize the total revenue in a finite sales hori...

Journal: :CoRR 2012
Thomas Degris Martha White Richard S. Sutton

This paper presents the first actor-critic algorithm for off-policy reinforcement learning. Our algorithm is online and incremental, and its per-time-step complexity scales linearly with the number of learned weights. Previous work on actor-critic algorithms is limited to the on-policy setting and does not take advantage of the recent advances in offpolicy gradient temporal-difference learning....

Jae Won Lee

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t This paper considers a sticky-price model with heterogeneous households and financial frictions. Financial frictions lead to imperfect risk-sharing among households with idiosyn-cratic labor incomes. I study implications of imperfect risk-sharing for optimal monetary policy by documenting its impacts on the monetary transmission mechanism, the inflation– ou...

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