نتایج جستجو برای: shal

تعداد نتایج: 167  

George E. Bigge

* Member, Social Security Board. I N RECENT MONTHS t h e r e h a s been m u c h discussion of t h e need for improv ing social i n su rance , b o t h u n e m p l o y m e n t i n s u r a n c e a n d i n s u r a n c e a g a i n s t o the r r isks , b u t provisions for publ ic ass i s tance h a v e received rela t ively l i t t le a t t e n t i o n . Whi le comprehens ive a n d l iberal i n su ra...

Richard J. Reid

A model of auditory temporal reca l l based on correlographic recording and Interrogation by convolution is presented. Complex tree and loop structured memory sequences can be recorded, with selective reca l l based on fragmentary cues. The sequences are " re membered" by proceeding through a recorded net of associations u n t i l the coherence of the retr ieved signals f a l l s to a su f f i ...

Yehuda Zeiri Antonio Redondo William A. Goddard Arthur Amos Noyes

The u n d e r s t a n d i n g of t he m i c r o s c o p i c de ta i l s of processes o c c u r r i n g a t m e t a l a n d s e m i c o n d u c t o r e l ec t rodes h a v e g rea t i m p o r t a n c e in t he d e s i g n a n d i m p r o v e m e n t of e l e c t r o c h e m i c a l cells, fuel cells, etc., as wel l as in t he fund a m e n t a l s t u d y of so l id / l iqu id in ter faces . T he ...

Jean-Pierre Nadal

We st udy the perfor mance of a neural network of the percept ron typ e. We isolate two important set s of pa rameters which render t he network fault tolerant (existence of large basins of attraction) in both hetero-associat ive and auto-associative systems and study t he size of the bas ins of attraction (the maximal allowable noise level st ill ensuring recognition ) for sets of random patte...

Karl Steel

The medieval eschatological tradition of the ‘15 Signs of the Last Days’ pays special attention to the anguish of animals. This attention seems unnecessary, as animals will not be judged, or resurrected, but only destroyed. Their unnecessary cries might be heard as the cry of life for itself, now useless to God and humans, and also as a reminder to humans of the richness of the worlded selves t...

Ingrid Zukerman Richard McConachy

1 I n t r o d u c t i o n Schema-based Natural Language Generation (NLG) systems, e.g., [Weiner, 1980; McKeown, 1985; Paris, 1988], determine the information to be presented based on common patterns of discourse. Goal-based planners, e.g., [Moore and Swartout, 1989; Cawsey, 1990], select a discourse operator if its prescribed effect matches a given communicative goal. If there is more than one ...

Oliviero Stock

An envi ronment bui l t a round WEDNESDAY 2, a char t based parse r is in t roduced . The e n v i r o n m e n t is in par t icular oriented towards exploring dynamic aspects of parsing. It includses a number of specialized tools t ha t consent an easy, graphics-based interact ion with the parser. It is shown in par t icular how a combinat ion of the characteris t ics of the parser (based on the...

BERTRAM ROSS Hardy Littlewood

The fractional integrals I+(x)0 of variable order e(x) are considered. A theorem on mapping properties of Ia+ in Holder-type spaces H is proved, this being a generalization of the well known Hardy-Li ttlewood theorem. KEYWORDSFractional integration, variable fractional order, mapping properties, Holder continuous functions, Hardy-Littlewood theorem. 1991 AHS SUBJECT CLASSIFICATION CODES. 26 A33...

Aric Bickel R. C. Carpenter R. C. CARPENTER

Grazing by Diadema anti l larum has been demonstrated to c o n t r o l the biomass, s p e c i e s composit ion, and most r e c e n t l y , the metabol ism of many coral r e e f algal turf communit ies. The m a j o r i t y of these data have been obta ined us ing i n c l u s i o n e x c l u s i o n cage exper iments. The r e c e n t mass-mortal i ty of t h i s sea urchin in the Car ibbean prov i...

Jerzy W. Rozenblit Bernard P. Zeigler

The paper sets up a conceptua I framework for constructing knowledge-based, computer-aided environments for system design. The framework is based on the formal structures underlying the expert system design methodology being developed by Zeigler [18], name 1 y that of the system entity structure and experimental frame. The system entity formalism is emp I oyed to structure the family of design ...

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