نتایج جستجو برای: protolith
تعداد نتایج: 242 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
Metapelitic rocks in the Gasht area include micaschist, kyanite schist, andalusite schist, garnet schist, staurolite schist, cordierite schist and sillimanite schist. Tourmaline occurs as accessory mineral in all of these rock types. These schists are metamorphosed regionally and are affected by contact metamorpism subsequently. Based on the textural relations and the fact that CaO and TiO2 con...
Megacrystic zircons have recently been found in alluvial deposits the Huadian area of northeastern China. However, studies rarely conducted on these zircons. In this article, we present systematic situ trace element, U-Pb age and Hf isotope data regarding zircons, with aim investigating their source characteristics provenance. The studied a diameter 0.7–1.2 cm, are dominantly irregular shape ro...
Carbonated ultramafic rocks (i.e., ophicarbonates) form by peridotite serpentinization and carbonation at the seafloor. Their metamorphic evolution is linked to that of serpentinites, hence dating deformation metamorphism in ophicarbonates will add constraints P-T-t history subducted lithosphere. A potential, yet underexplored, suitable mineral for geochronology perovskite (CaTiO3). We present ...
The Spanish-Portuguese Central System (SPCS) is an Alpine Mountain range with crystalline basement characterized by a two-layer rheological structure. This structure formed after primary (protolith) and secondary (tectonometamorphic) processes during the extensional collapse of Variscan Orogen. SPCS usually controlled foreland-directed thrusts strike-slip faults. However, eastern dominated NW-d...
The high-pressure (HP) eclogites in the central Himalaya provide insights into metamorphism and exhumation history of crustal material beneath Tibetan plateau. Due to paucity exposure, nature timing protolith remain poorly known. Here we report zircon titanite U–Pb ages, bulk-rock mineral compositions Hf isotope data on from Thongmön Kharta areas Himalaya. record peak HP eclogite-facies at >1.6...
Impact crater central peaks and peak ring complexes are important exploration targets for future missions to other planetary bodies, because they provide access material uplifted from lower crustal levels. Material exposed there could also chronological constraints on formation events. Therefore, it is essential understand if preserves the records of igneous metamorphic protolith rocks, or such...
The Paleoproterozoic Lagoa do Riacho manganese deposit in the Borborema Province is central to unravelling genesis of deposits, redox evolution and genetic relationship West African Craton. With contents averaging 35 wt%, unit lithologically subdivided into oxidized silicate ores a garnetite (garnet-rich rocks) subgroup. ore consists mainly pyrolusite, manganese-oxyhydroxide spessartine. has rh...
Abstract. Earth's long-term cycling of carbon is regulated from mid-ocean ridges to convergent plate boundaries by mass transfers involving mantle rocks. Here we examine the conversion peridotite listvenite (magnesite + quartz rock) during CO2 metasomatism along basal thrust Semail Ophiolite (Fanja, Sultanate Oman). At outcrop scale, this transformation defines reaction zones, serpentinized per...
Zircon U-Pb geochronology is routinely performed to unravel the timing and duration of melting events within continental crust. A comprehensive understanding zircon behavior during anatexis therefore paramount accurately assess impact crustal on orogenic processes. We report an anatectic system from southern part Velay dome (Variscan French Massif Central) encompassing late Carboniferous migmat...
As a result of the mineralogical and isotopic-geochemical study U-Pb, Lu-Hf, isotopic systems zircons from Pobug enderbites, existence crustal juvenile enderbites was established. Negative values (εNd) negative εHf in enderbito-gneisses Middle Bouh area, Lityn enderbite, Sabariv enderbite indicate their nature, origin by account older (Eoarchean?) rocks series, protolith for which probably mafi...
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