نتایج جستجو برای: ism cosmic strings

تعداد نتایج: 56001  

Marcos Lima

We study the formation of cosmic strings in the context of spontaneous symmetry breaking of gauge symmetry groups. We discuss the conditions for formation and stability of defects in nonsupersymmetric theories and also F-strings in the supersymmetry context. Finally, we discuss how cosmological observations can constrain supersymmetric grand unified theories.

Marco Peloso Lorenzo Sorbo

Moduli fields are generally present in superstring–inspired models. They are typically characterized by masses of the order of the supersymmetry breaking scale and by interactions of gravitational strength to ordinary matter. If stable, they can easily overclose the Universe. If unstable, strong limits on their abundance have to be imposed not to disrupt the successful prediction of nucleosynth...

Min Eui Hong

This piece is a limited improvisatory correspondence of the bass clarinet and live electronics with images of “Cosmic String dynamics and Evolution”. The person controlling the live electronics will start sending audio through the Max patch and sending an image from the Jitter patch into the projector simultaneously to begin the piece. The clarinet player is controlling Jitter in realtime. The ...

Journal: :International Journal of Modern Physics D 2010

Tomohiro Matsuda

Cosmic strings have gained a great interest, since they are formed in a large class of brane inflationary models. The most interesting story is that cosmic strings in brane models are distinguished in future cosmological observations. If the strings in brane models are branes or superstrings that can move along compactified space, and also if there are degenerated vacua along the compactified s...

Parviz Ghavamian J. Martin Laming Cara E. Rakowski

The analysis of Balmer-dominated optical spectra from non-radiative (adiabatic) SNRs has shown that the ratio of the electron to proton temperature at the blast wave is close to unity at vS .400 km s , but declines sharply down to the minimum value of me/mp dictated by the jump conditions at shock speeds exceeding 2000 km s . We propose a physical model for the heating of electrons and ions in ...

Journal: :Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences 2012
Nick Indriolo

Owing to its simple chemistry, H(3)(+) is widely regarded as the most reliable tracer of the cosmic-ray ionization rate in diffuse interstellar clouds. At present, H(3)(+) observations have been made in over 50 sight lines that probe the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) throughout the Galaxy. This small survey presents the opportunity to investigate the distribution of cosmic-ray ionization ra...

Journal: :Journal of High Energy Physics 2022

Global cosmic strings are predicted in many motivated extensions to the Standard Model of particle physics, with close connections axion dark matter physics. Recent studies suggest that, although subdominant relative Goldstone emission, gravitational wave (GW) signals from global can be detectable current and planned GW detectors such as LIGO, LISA, DECIGO/BBO, ET/CE AEDGE/AION, well pulsar tim...

Journal: :Physical review letters 2014
J Aasi J Abadie B P Abbott R Abbott T Abbott M R Abernathy T Accadia F Acernese C Adams T Adams R X Adhikari C Affeldt M Agathos N Aggarwal O D Aguiar P Ajith B Allen A Allocca E Amador Ceron D Amariutei R A Anderson S B Anderson W G Anderson K Arai M C Araya C Arceneaux J Areeda S Ast S M Aston P Astone P Aufmuth C Aulbert L Austin B E Aylott S Babak P T Baker G Ballardin S W Ballmer J C Barayoga D Barker S H Barnum F Barone B Barr L Barsotti M Barsuglia M A Barton I Bartos R Bassiri A Basti J Batch J Bauchrowitz Th S Bauer M Bebronne B Behnke M Bejger M G Beker A S Bell C Bell I Belopolski G Bergmann J M Berliner D Bersanetti A Bertolini D Bessis J Betzwieser P T Beyersdorf T Bhadbhade I A Bilenko G Billingsley J Birch M Bitossi M A Bizouard E Black J K Blackburn L Blackburn D Blair M Blom O Bock T P Bodiya M Boer C Bogan C Bond F Bondu L Bonelli R Bonnand R Bork M Born V Boschi S Bose L Bosi J Bowers C Bradaschia P R Brady V B Braginsky M Branchesi C A Brannen J E Brau J Breyer T Briant D O Bridges A Brillet M Brinkmann V Brisson M Britzger A F Brooks D A Brown D D Brown F Brückner T Bulik H J Bulten A Buonanno D Buskulic C Buy R L Byer L Cadonati G Cagnoli J Calderón Bustillo E Calloni J B Camp P Campsie K C Cannon B Canuel J Cao C D Capano F Carbognani L Carbone S Caride A Castiglia S Caudill M Cavaglià F Cavalier R Cavalieri G Cella C Cepeda E Cesarini R Chakraborty T Chalermsongsak S Chao P Charlton E Chassande-Mottin X Chen Y Chen A Chincarini A Chiummo H S Cho J Chow N Christensen Q Chu S S Y Chua S Chung G Ciani F Clara D E Clark J A Clark F Cleva E Coccia P-F Cohadon A Colla M Colombini M Constancio A Conte R Conte D Cook T R Corbitt M Cordier N Cornish A Corsi C A Costa M W Coughlin J-P Coulon S Countryman P Couvares D M Coward M Cowart D C Coyne K Craig J D E Creighton T D Creighton S G Crowder A Cumming L Cunningham E Cuoco K Dahl T Dal Canton M Damjanic S L Danilishin S D'Antonio K Danzmann V Dattilo B Daudert H Daveloza M Davier G S Davies E J Daw R Day T Dayanga R De Rosa G Debreczeni J Degallaix W Del Pozzo E Deleeuw S Deléglise T Denker T Dent H Dereli V Dergachev R DeRosa R DeSalvo S Dhurandhar L Di Fiore A Di Lieto I Di Palma A Di Virgilio M Díaz A Dietz K Dmitry F Donovan K L Dooley S Doravari M Drago R W P Drever J C Driggers Z Du J-C Dumas S Dwyer T Eberle M Edwards A Effler P Ehrens J Eichholz S S Eikenberry G Endrőczi R Essick T Etzel K Evans M Evans T Evans M Factourovich V Fafone S Fairhurst Q Fang S Farinon B Farr W Farr M Favata D Fazi H Fehrmann D Feldbaum I Ferrante F Ferrini F Fidecaro L S Finn I Fiori R Fisher R Flaminio E Foley S Foley E Forsi N Fotopoulos J-D Fournier S Franco S Frasca F Frasconi M Frede M Frei Z Frei A Freise R Frey T T Fricke P Fritschel V V Frolov M-K Fujimoto P Fulda M Fyffe J Gair L Gammaitoni J Garcia F Garufi N Gehrels G Gemme E Genin A Gennai L Gergely S Ghosh J A Giaime S Giampanis K D Giardina A Giazotto S Gil-Casanova C Gill J Gleason E Goetz R Goetz L Gondan G González N Gordon M L Gorodetsky S Gossan S Goßler R Gouaty C Graef P B Graff M Granata A Grant S Gras C Gray R J S Greenhalgh A M Gretarsson C Griffo P Groot H Grote K Grover S Grunewald G M Guidi C Guido K E Gushwa E K Gustafson R Gustafson B Hall E Hall D Hammer G Hammond M Hanke J Hanks C Hanna J Hanson J Harms G M Harry I W Harry E D Harstad M T Hartman K Haughian K Hayama J Heefner A Heidmann M Heintze H Heitmann P Hello G Hemming M Hendry I S Heng A W Heptonstall M Heurs S Hild D Hoak K A Hodge K Holt M Holtrop T Hong S Hooper T Horrom D J Hosken J Hough E J Howell Y Hu Z Hua V Huang E A Huerta B Hughey S Husa S H Huttner M Huynh T Huynh-Dinh J Iafrate D R Ingram R Inta T Isogai A Ivanov B R Iyer K Izumi M Jacobson E James H Jang Y J Jang P Jaranowski F Jiménez-Forteza W W Johnson D Jones D I Jones R Jones R J G Jonker L Ju Haris K P Kalmus V Kalogera S Kandhasamy G Kang J B Kanner M Kasprzack R Kasturi E Katsavounidis W Katzman H Kaufer K Kaufman K Kawabe S Kawamura F Kawazoe F Kéfélian D Keitel D B Kelley W Kells D G Keppel A Khalaidovski F Y Khalili E A Khazanov B K Kim C Kim K Kim N Kim W Kim Y-M Kim E J King P J King D L Kinzel J S Kissel S Klimenko J Kline S Koehlenbeck K Kokeyama V Kondrashov S Koranda W Z Korth I Kowalska D Kozak A Kremin V Kringel A Królak C Kucharczyk S Kudla G Kuehn A Kumar P Kumar R Kumar R Kurdyumov P Kwee M Landry B Lantz S Larson P D Lasky C Lawrie A Lazzarini A Le Roux P Leaci E O Lebigot C-H Lee H K Lee H M Lee J Lee J Lee M Leonardi J R Leong N Leroy N Letendre B Levine J B Lewis V Lhuillier T G F Li A C Lin T B Littenberg V Litvine F Liu H Liu Y Liu Z Liu D Lloyd N A Lockerbie V Lockett D Lodhia K Loew J Logue A L Lombardi M Lorenzini V Loriette M Lormand G Losurdo J Lough J Luan M J Lubinski H Lück A P Lundgren J Macarthur E Macdonald B Machenschalk M MacInnis D M Macleod F Magana-Sandoval M Mageswaran K Mailand E Majorana I Maksimovic V Malvezzi N Man G M Manca I Mandel V Mandic V Mangano M Mantovani F Marchesoni F Marion S Márka

Cosmic strings can give rise to a large variety of interesting astrophysical phenomena. Among them, powerful bursts of gravitational waves (GWs) produced by cusps are a promising observational signature. In this Letter we present a search for GWs from cosmic string cusps in data collected by the LIGO and Virgo gravitational wave detectors between 2005 and 2010, with over 625 days of live time. ...

Charles D. Dermer

Statistical arguments show that the volumeand time-averaged kinetic power of GRBs and fireball transients (FTs) into an L galaxy like the Milky Way is at the level of 10 ergs s. This number, though with wide uncertainties related to the internal or external shock efficiency, is sufficient to power hadronic cosmic rays observed locally. The release of energy by the high-mass progenitor stars of ...

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