نتایج جستجو برای: fermi plasmas

تعداد نتایج: 35381  


The kinematical constraints on field theories in two space-time dimensions lead to many unusual effects which have no analogue in higher dimensions. Perhaps the strangest of these is the equivalence between large classes of Bose and Fermi field theories. This correspondence, which has been dubbed bosonization, provides a transparent unified method for solving two dimensional Fermi theories [ l*...

F. R. Xu P. M. Walker R. Wyss

Even-even A'110 nuclei approaching the astrophysical r-process path have been investigated using both the cranked and the configuration-constrained shell models. The calculations show that, with increasing neutron number in the Z>40 nuclides, nuclear shapes evolve from prolate, through triaxial to oblate deformations. In contrast to other regions of the nuclear chart, pronounced oblate shapes d...

Sungjae Cho Michael S. Fuhrer

Electron transport through short, phase-coherent metal–graphene–metal devices occurs via resonant transmission through particle-in-a-box-like states defined by the atomically-sharp metal leads. We study the spectrum of particle-in-a-box states for singleand bi-layer graphene, corresponding to massless and massive two-dimensional (2-D) fermions. The density of states D as a function of particle ...

Thomas Schäfer

Experimental results obtained at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) have been interpreted in terms of a strongly interacting quark gluon plasma. The strongly interacting plasma is characterized by “perfect fluidity”, i.e. a ratio of shear viscosity to entropy density that saturates a proposed lower bound. In this contribution we explore the possibility that a similar phenomenon takes pl...

Y. Y. Ye C. T. Chan K. M. Ho

The electronic and structural properties for TiNi, TiPd, and TiPt are studied using first-principles total energy calculations. For each alloy, the structural parameters for a few structural phases are found from energy and force calculations. In each case, we found that the ground state martensitic phase (B19/B198) is indeed lower in energy than the high temperature B2 phase. In all three allo...

Achim Schwenk Bengt Friman

Landau-Fermi liquid theory is a powerful effective theory for strongly interacting Fermi systems at low temperatures. It has been successfully applied to liquid He, nuclear matter and nuclei. However, in contrast to the interaction between He atoms, nuclear forces are complicated due to the large non-central spin-orbit and tensor components. Here, we report on the in-medium modification of the ...

J. E. Avron S. Bachmann G. M. Graf I. Klich

Using operator algebraic methods we show that the moment generating function of charge transport in a system with infinitely many non-interacting Fermions is given by a determinant of a certain operator in the one-particle Hilbert space. The formula is equivalent to a formula of Levitov and Lesovik in the finite dimensional case and may be viewed as its regularized form in general. Our result e...

Xinliang Gao Quanming Lu Mingyu Wu Shui Wang

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V. Ahufinger L. Sanchez-Palencia A. Sanpera M. Lewenstein Jean-Sebastien Caux John Chalker Brian DeMarco

The physics of cold atoms approaches nowadays the frontiers of modern condensed matter physics. In particular many important challenges of this disciplin can be addressed within the context of cold atoms [1]. In this talk, I shall present first a brief review of some of these challenges. I will focus then on those that could be addressed by using Bose-Fermi mixtures in the presence of disorder....

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