نتایج جستجو برای: fairclough

تعداد نتایج: 286  

Journal: :Entretextos 2023

O objetivo deste artigo é analisar formas de reificação encontradas em Petições Iniciais da Vara Família, compreendendo 4 (quatro) gêneros discursivos peticionais: Ação Investigação Paternidade Cumulada com Alimentos; Guarda Menor e Adoção Menor, nos quais constam os seguintes movimentos retóricos: Movimento Identificação das Partes Ação, dos Fatos, do Direito Pedido. Tomo como referencial teór...

Journal: :Estudos em Jornalismo e Mídia 2023

Este trabalho busca refletir sobre as repercussões da fala grotesca do presidente República Brasil, Jair Bolsonaro, sua resistência ao uso vacina contra a Covid-19, em um momento que o mundo de forma geral, e Brasil particular, buscavam uma solução para frear caos com número mortes pela doença. A linguagem dos memes aflora partir frase emblemática intitula este artigo: Se você virar jacaré, é p...

Journal: :English Linguistics Research 2021

Iran and China are getting closer day by day, from economic to political social relations. Since media plays a significant role in shaping norms, relations, values society, it is not neutral medium propagate information only. Social elites, as well fractions, use shape public opinion with the least cost. Therefore, this paper attempts answer question which ideologies, thoughts Iranian football ...

Journal: :European journal of English language and literature studies 2022

The paper examines language as a discourse mode of communicating the modulations and dimensions power in Bessie Head’s When Rain Clouds Gather. explores relationship between social relationships narrative. focus essay is on shifting encounters. adopts critical linguistic study (CLS) to underpin how consciousness permeate theoretical model draws from works Roger Fowler Norman Fairclough. By adop...

Journal: :The ESPecialist 2022

A pandemia da COVID-19 e os acontecimentos sociais dela decorrentes trouxeram significativas mudanças em diversas áreas vida sociedade (p. ex. trabalho remoto). Contudo, essas atingiram as pessoas de diferentes formas, acordo com questões raça, classe gênero. Com base conceitos categorias análise gramática do design visual Kress van Leeuwen (2006), no modelo tridimensional proposto por Fairclou...

Journal: :International journal of linguistics, literature and culture 2023

The conversation is often used as a medium to transfer the ideology of speakers. Therefore, purpose this study to: describe representation role Sasak men or women in vocabulary choices, carrying out interactional control, syntactic structures, and use metaphors conversation. theory critical discourse model Norman Fairclough complemented by Teun A. Van Dijk's theory. collection was carried using...

Journal: :CaLLs: journal of culture, arts, literature and linguistics 2022

Lagu menjadi sarana hiburan yang disukai banyak kalangan. Selain sebagai hiburan, lagu juga media untuk mengenalkan budaya di suatu daerah. Salah satunya adalah Madura atau menggunakan Bahasa Madura. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui masyarakat dalam lagu-lagu mengarah pada pendidikan, pengajaran dan pembiasaan. Metode digunakan analisis wacana kritis Norman Fairclough terdiri dari tahap kebahas...

Journal: :International journal of linguistics, literature and translation 2022

Slimming products have been continuously produced, while advertisements used for marketing these increase in number. Advertisement of slimming shows an image the ideal female body that is promised to be achieved if consumers use offered products. becomes one facilities spread and maintain ideology beauty society. The can influence shape perspective society related stereotypes are later made a b...

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