نتایج جستجو برای: e ceratoniae

تعداد نتایج: 1017033  

ژورنال: :دانش گیاهپزشکی ایران 2009
قدرت اله صباحی منصور شاکری

در این تحقیق سعی شده تا میزان تأثیر حذف پرچم گل بر کاهش میزان آلودگی به کرم گلوگاه انار مورد بررسی قرار گیرد. به این منظور طرحی تحقیقاتی در سال های 1383و 1384 در دو استان مرکزی (ساوه) و یزد (میبد و عقدا ) در قالب طرح بلوک های کامل تصادفی در سه تیمار ( حذف پرچم کلیه گل ها، حذف پرچم گل های اولیه و بدون حذف پرچم) شامل سه تکرار و در دو باغ برای هر منطقه به اجرا در آمد. در کرت های آزمایشی پرچم گل ها...

Mateja Kunstelj Tina Jukic Mirko Vintar

Many surveys and studies to date have pointed out that there is a considerable gap between expressed interest from potential users and the actual use of e-government information and services. However, the factors influencing that gap have not yet been fully explained and understood. This paper therefore investigates the real driving forces concerning the ‘demand’ side of egovernment and the tak...

Karin Axelsson

In order to balance between citizen and agency aspects’ importance and visibility in public e-service development, the question how to involve different stakeholders is often raised. However, identifying and analyzing several internal as well as external stakeholders in relation to e-government development raises some ethical questions: Who should participate and who should not? For what reason...

MitjaDečman UniversityofLjubljana,FacultyofAdministration,Gosarjeva5,1000Ljubljana,Slovenia,[email protected] Theuseofinformationandcommunicationtechnologyanditswidespreadpresencecauseavastamountofdatatobecrea- tedinthepublicandprivatesectorseveryday.Thewidespreadpresenceofe-governmentsites,servicesandcommunication inthedevelopedworldaddevenmoredata.Thisdigitaldatadoesnotonlyrepresenttheaccountabilityandreliabilityofthe processes,stepsanddecisionstakenbyorganisations,butalsoasourceofinformationforfuturegenerations.Thispaperdis- cussestheissueoflong-termdigitalpreservationwithaspecialfocusonlong-termdigitalpreservationinpublicadministra- tion.Itanalysesproblematicissues,currentdevelopmenttrendsinthisarea,andprinciplesandsolutionsthatcanbefound aroundtheworld.ThepaperfocusesonSloveniaasoneoftheEUcountriesthathasmosteffectivelydevelopeditse-govern- mentduringthelastdecade.ItanalysesthesituationinSloveniathroughlegal,organisationalandotherchangesthathave appearedoverthelastfewyears,andconsidersthisasamodelforpossiblelong-termdigitalpreservation.Todescribethe situationfordigitalpreservationinSlovenianpublicadministration,theresultsofempiricalresearchmadein2007areused. Thepaperusestheoreticalbackgroundfromthefieldofdigitalpreservationandempiricalresultstoshowtheimportantlink betweene-business,e-government,e-governanceanddigitalpreservation.ItdemonstratesthatsinceSlovenianpublicadmi- nistrationhasstrictlyspecifiedbusinessprocesses,thetaskofimplementingdigitalpreservationismucheasier.Thesame conceptscanbetransferredtotheprivatesectorinSloveniaoranywhereelseintheworld. Keywords:digitalpreservation,e-government,e-governance,archiving,long-term


The­use­of­in­for­ma­tion­and­com­mu­ni­ca­tion­tech­no­logy­and­its­wi­des­pread­pre­sen­ce­cau­se­a­vast­amount­of­data­to­be­created­in­the­pub­lic­and­pri­va­te­sec­tors­every­day.­The­wi­des­pread­pre­sen­ce­of­e-go­vern­ment­si­tes,­ser­vi­ces­and­com­mu­ni­ca­tion­ in­the­de­ve­lo­ped­world­add­even­more­data.­This­di­gi­tal­data­does­not­only­re­pre­sent­the­ac­coun­ta­bi­lity­and­re­li...

Journal: :IJEGR 2014
Antonis C. Simintiras Yogesh Kumar Dwivedi Nripendra P. Rana

This article assesses the role and likely impact of marketing on the adoption of e-government initiatives. Although the role of tactical marketing in increasing awareness and enhancing adoption has been recognised, strategies required for realising the benefits of marketing e-government services have not been forthcoming. Given that citizens’ usage behaviour of e-government services remains sub...

پایان نامه :وزارت علوم، تحقیقات و فناوری - دانشگاه صنعتی اصفهان - دانشکده کشاورزی 1393

این مطالعه با هدف بررسی اثر نمره وضعیت بدنی و مصرف مکمل سلنیوم – ویتامین e بر تولید و ترکیب شیر، فراسنجه های خون و بروز بیماری های متابولیک در گاوهای پرتولید هلشتاین طراحی و اجرا شد. تیمار ها شامل 1) نمره وضعیت بدنی 4 همراه با تزریق مکمل سلنیوم ویتامین e 2) نمره وضعیت بدنی 4 بدون تزریق مکمل سلنیوم – ویتامین e 3) نمره وضعیت بدنی 5/3 همراه با تزریق مکمل سلنیوم – ویتامین e 4) نمره وضعیت بدنی 5/3 ب...

Ling Lan

The paper first analyses the characteristics of governance in the information age, illustrates the advantages of E-government services; Second, deals with the implications and key elements for good E-governance; finally points out the urgent tasks for good E-governance in China, emphasizing governmental responsibility on primary education, human resource cultivation, sustainable social and econ...

Matti Mäntymäki

Trust has been acknowledged to be an important determinant of e-commerce acceptance. Therefore, understanding the nature and importance of trust is momentous in promoting e-government adoption. This paper reviews the trust discussion in business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce and government-to-individuals (G2IS) e-government. The aim of the paper is to identify potential differences as well as co...

Journal: :CoRR 2014
Marjan Angeleski Pece Mitrevski Slavica Rocheska Ane Lashkoska

The concept of local e-Government has become a key factor for delivering services in an efficient, cost effective, transparent and convenient way, in circumstances where a) citizens do not have enough time available to communicate with local authorities in order to perform their responsibilities and needs, and b) information and communication technologies significantly facilitate administrative...

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