Nota da tradução: Esta tradução refere-se ao ensaio original de 1925 publicado por John Dewey na Revista Fundação Barnes (Journal of the Foundation) qual ele participava como Diretor Educação.
A Review of McCleskey v. Kemp. By Mario Barnes, in Critical Race Judgments: Rewritten U.S. Court Opinions on and the Law 557, 581. Edited by Bennett Capers, Devon W. Carbado, R.A. Lenhardt Angela Onwuachi-Willig.
When calculating physical quantities that describe a given process one needs to evaluate a lot of Feynman integrals. After a tensor reduction based on some projectors (see, e.g., [1]) a given Feynman graph generates various scalar Feynman integrals that have the same structure of the integrand with various distributions of powers of propagators. A straightforward analytical strategy is to evalu...
The method of Mellin–Barnes representation is used to calculate dimensionally regularized massive on-shell double box Feynman diagrams contributing to Bhabha scattering at two loops.
We consider SL(2,ℂ) spin magnet and construct eigenfunctions for the element A(u) of monodromy matrix. use recursive procedure which gives representations these functions in form Mellin–Barnes type integrals. compare to those constructed earlier by S. Derkachov A. Manashov (Gauss–Givental representation) prove that they coincide up a normalization factor.