نتایج جستجو برای: ray analyses
تعداد نتایج: 677416 فیلتر نتایج به سال:
:Nippon kagaku zassi
:Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan
:Physical review letters
R Abbasi
Y Abdou
T Abu-Zayyad
J Adams
J A Aguilar
M Ahlers
K Andeen
J Auffenberg
X Bai
M Baker
S W Barwick
R Bay
J L Bazo Alba
K Beattie
J J Beatty
S Bechet
J K Becker
K-H Becker
M L Benabderrahmane
S BenZvi
J Berdermann
P Berghaus
D Berley
E Bernardini
D Bertrand
D Z Besson
D Bindig
M Bissok
E Blaufuss
J Blumenthal
D J Boersma
C Bohm
D Bose
S Böser
O Botner
J Braun
A M Brown
S Buitink
M Carson
D Chirkin
B Christy
J Clem
F Clevermann
S Cohen
C Colnard
D F Cowen
M V D'Agostino
M Danninger
J Daughhetee
J C Davis
C De Clercq
L Demirörs
O Depaepe
F Descamps
P Desiati
G de Vries-Uiterweerd
T DeYoung
J C Díaz-Vélez
M Dierckxsens
J Dreyer
J P Dumm
R Ehrlich
J Eisch
R W Ellsworth
O Engdegård
S Euler
P A Evenson
O Fadiran
A R Fazely
A Fedynitch
T Feusels
K Filimonov
C Finley
T Fischer-Wasels
M M Foerster
B D Fox
A Franckowiak
R Franke
T K Gaisser
J Gallagher
M Geisler
L Gerhardt
L Gladstone
T Glüsenkamp
A Goldschmidt
J A Goodman
D Grant
T Griesel
A Gross
S Grullon
M Gurtner
C Ha
A Hallgren
F Halzen
K Han
K Hanson
D Heinen
K Helbing
P Herquet
S Hickford
G C Hill
K D Hoffman
A Homeier
K Hoshina
D Hubert
W Huelsnitz
J-P Hülss
P O Hulth
K Hultqvist
S Hussain
A Ishihara
J Jacobsen
G S Japaridze
H Johansson
J M Joseph
K-H Kampert
A Kappes
T Karg
A Karle
J L Kelley
N Kemming
P Kenny
J Kiryluk
F Kislat
S R Klein
J-H Köhne
G Kohnen
H Kolanoski
L Köpke
S Kopper
D J Koskinen
M Kowalski
T Kowarik
M Krasberg
T Krings
G Kroll
K Kuehn
T Kuwabara
M Labare
S Lafebre
K Laihem
H Landsman
M J Larson
R Lauer
R Lehmann
J Lünemann
J Madsen
P Majumdar
A Marotta
R Maruyama
K Mase
H S Matis
K Meagher
M Merck
P Mészáros
T Meures
E Middell
N Milke
J Miller
T Montaruli
R Morse
S M Movit
R Nahnhauer
J W Nam
U Naumann
P Niessen
D R Nygren
S Odrowski
A Olivas
M Olivo
A O'Murchadha
M Ono
S Panknin
L Paul
C Pérez de los Heros
J Petrovic
A Piegsa
D Pieloth
R Porrata
J Posselt
P B Price
M Prikockis
G T Przybylski
K Rawlins
P Redl
E Resconi
W Rhode
M Ribordy
A Rizzo
J P Rodrigues
P Roth
F Rothmaier
C Rott
T Ruhe
D Rutledge
B Ruzybayev
D Ryckbosch
H-G Sander
M Santander
S Sarkar
K Schatto
T Schmidt
A Schoenwald
A Schukraft
A Schultes
O Schulz
M Schunck
D Seckel
B Semburg
S H Seo
Y Sestayo
S Seunarine
A Silvestri
A Slipak
G M Spiczak
C Spiering
M Stamatikos
T Stanev
G Stephens
T Stezelberger
R G Stokstad
S Stoyanov
E A Strahler
T Straszheim
G W Sullivan
Q Swillens
H Taavola
I Taboada
A Tamburro
O Tarasova
A Tepe
S Ter-Antonyan
S Tilav
P A Toale
S Toscano
D Tosi
D Turčan
N van Eijndhoven
J Vandenbroucke
A Van Overloop
J van Santen
M Vehring
M Voge
B Voigt
C Walck
T Waldenmaier
M Wallraff
M Walter
C Weaver
C Wendt
S Westerhoff
N Whitehorn
K Wiebe
C H Wiebusch
D R Williams
R Wischnewski
H Wissing
M Wolf
K Woschnagg
C Xu
X W Xu
G Yodh
S Yoshida
P Zarzhitsky
IceCube has become the first neutrino telescope with a sensitivity below the TeV neutrino flux predicted from gamma-ray bursts if gamma-ray bursts are responsible for the observed cosmic-ray flux above 10(18) eV. Two separate analyses using the half-complete IceCube detector, one a dedicated search for neutrinos from pγ interactions in the prompt phase of the gamma-ray burst fireball and the o...
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