نتایج جستجو برای: n ideal

تعداد نتایج: 1054986  

ژورنال: پژوهش های ریاضی 2022

  Abstract: A ring R is called a refinement ring if the monoid of finitely generated projective R- modules is refinement.  Let R be a commutative refinement ring and M, N, be two finitely generated projective R-nodules, then M~N  if and only if Mm ~Nm for all maximal ideal m of  R. A rectangular matrix A over R admits diagonal reduction if there exit invertible matrices p and Q such that PAQ is...

Journal: :bulletin of the iranian mathematical society 2011
m. aghapournahr a. taherizadeh a. vahidi

let $r$ be a commutative noetherian ring with non-zero identity, $fa$ an ideal of $r$, and $x$ an $r$--module. here, for fixed integers $s, t$ and a finite $fa$--torsion $r$--module $n$, we first study the membership of $ext^{s+t}_{r}(n, x)$ and $ext^{s}_{r}(n, h^{t}_{fa}(x))$ in the serre subcategories of the category of $r$--modules. then, we present some conditions which ensure the exi...

Mitsuhiro Miyazaki

Let S = k[x1, . . . , xn] be a polynomial ring over a field k with n variables x1, . . . , xn, m the irrelevant maximal ideal of S, I a monomial ideal in S and I ′ the polarization of I in the polynomial ring S′ with ρ variables. We show that each graded piece H i m (S/I)a, a ∈ Z , of the local cohomology module H i m (S/I) is isomorphic to a specific graded pieceH i+ρ−n m ′ (S′/I )α, α ∈ Z , o...

Delphine Boucher Felix Ulmer

In previous works we considered codes defined as ideals of quotients of non commutative polynomial rings, so called Ore rings of automorphism type. In this paper we consider codes defined as modules over non commutative polynomial rings, removing therefore some of the constraints on the length of the codes defined as ideals. The notion of BCH codes can be extended to this new approach and the c...

Journal: :CoRR 2010
Abdelwaheb Miled Ahmed Ouertani

where θ = 1 + √ d 2 if d mod 4 = 1 and θ = √ d if d mod 4 = 2, 3. The purpose of this paper is to compute the extended gcd of to quadratic integers in ring Z[θ]. We assume throughout that Z[θ] is principal ideal ring, but not necessarily an euclidean ring. If [a, b+ cθ] is the module {ax+(b+ cθ)y, x, y ∈ Z}, it can be shown [3] that I is an ideal of Z[θ] if and only if I = [a, b+ cθ]; where a, ...

Mumtaz Ali Florentin Smarandache Muhammad Shabir Munazza Naz

In this paper we define neutrosophic bi-LAsemigroup and neutrosophic N-LA-semigroup. Infact this paper is an extension of our previous paper neutrosophic left almost semigroup shortly neutrosophic LAsemigroup. We also extend the neutrosophic ideal to neutrosophic biideal and neutrosophic N-ideal. We also find some new type of neutrosophic ideal which is related to the strong or pure part of neu...

Abstract. Let (R,P) be a Noetherian unique factorization do-main (UFD) and M be a finitely generated R-module. Let I(M)be the first nonzero Fitting ideal of M and the order of M, denotedord_R(M), be the largest integer n such that I(M) ⊆ P^n. In thispaper, we show that if M is a module of order one, then either Mis isomorphic with direct sum of a free module and a cyclic moduleor M is isomorphi...

Journal: :algebraic structures and their applications 0
reza taheri islamic azad university, science and research branch, tehran, iran abolfazl tehranian islamic azad university, science and research branch, tehran, iran

let $r$ be a commutative ring with identity and $mathbb{a}(r)$ be the set   of ideals of $r$ with non-zero annihilators. in this paper, we first introduce and investigate the principal ideal subgraph of the annihilating-ideal graph of $r$, denoted by $mathbb{ag}_p(r)$. it is a (undirected) graph with vertices $mathbb{a}_p(r)=mathbb{a}(r)cap mathbb{p}(r)setminus {(0)}$, where   $mathbb{p}(r)$ is...


An ideal I of a ring A is essentially nilpotent if I contains a nilpotent ideal N of A such that J 91N # 0 whenever J is a nonzero ideal of A contained in I. We show that each ring A has a unique largest essentially nilpotent ideal EN(A). We study the properties of EN(A) and, in particular, we investigate how this ideal behaves with respect to related rings.


We consider the fuzzification of the notion of an n-fold positive implicative ideal. We give characterizations of an n-fold fuzzy positive implicative ideal. We establish the extension property for n-fold fuzzy positive implicative ideals, and state a characterization of PIn-Noetherian BCK-algebras. Finally we study the normalization of n-fold fuzzy positive implicative ideals. 2000 Mathematics...

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