نتایج جستجو برای: ionocytes

تعداد نتایج: 143  

Journal: :Developmental Cell 2021

•Xenopus epidermal multiciliated cells evenly space before radial intercalation•Pattern formation involves mutual repulsion and affinity for outer-layer cell junctions•Arp2/3-dependent actin remodeling is required patterning•The Scf/Kit pathway promotes both How global patterns emerge from individual behaviors poorly understood. In the Xenopus embryonic epidermis, (MCCs) are born in a random pa...

Journal: :Patterns 2021

•Defined a consensus gene signature across three models of SARS-CoV-2 infection•Characterized subnetworks host proteins interacting with proteome•Integrated wide range COVID-19 and related data to build functional modules•Identified modules that can further the understanding This study is based on premise combining information from multiple layers result in new biologically interpretable associ...

Susan L. Edwards Justin Arnold Salvatore D. Blair Margaret Pray Olivia Erikson Patrick J. Walsh

32 33 Hagfishes are the most ancient of the extant craniates, and demonstrate a 34 high tolerance for a number of unfavorable environmental conditions including 35 elevated ammonia. Proposed mechanisms of ammonia excretion in aquatic 36 organisms include vesicular NH4+ transport and release by exocytosis in marine 37 crabs, and passive NH3 diffusion, active NH4+ transport and paracellular leaka...

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