نتایج جستجو برای: e dour va deraz

تعداد نتایج: 1032319  

ژورنال: :تاریخ ایران 0
عمادالدین شیخ الحکمایی پژوهشگر موسسه باستانشناسی دانشگاه تهران

سیاقت و سیاق، شیوۀ خاص نگارش اعداد بود که به مرور زمان و با ساده شدۀ حرف نویسی اعداد عربی به وجود آمده است. نوشتن به این شیوه برای ثبت محاسبات مالی در ایران، بیش از هزار سال در میان گروه های مختلف اجتماع ـ از مستوفیان دیوان تا حساب روزمره مردم ـ رواج داشته است. در دورۀ مشروطه محاسبات به شیوۀ سیاق جای خود را به شیوۀ نوین نگارش بودجه داد. «دفاتر دخل و خرج مملکتی» کنار نهاده شد و به جای آن بودجه ک...

Journal: :Circulation 2004
Titus Kuehne Sevim Yilmaz Paul Steendijk Phillip Moore Maarten Groenink Maythem Saaed Oliver Weber Charles B Higgins Peter Ewert Eckard Fleck Eike Nagel Ingram Schulze-Neick Peter Lange

BACKGROUND The aims of this study were to validate MRI-derived right ventricular (RV) pressure-volume loops for assessment of RV myocardial contractility and then to apply this technique in patients with chronic RV pressure overload for assessment of myocardial contractility, ventricular pump function, and VA coupling. METHODS AND RESULTS Flow-directed catheters were guided under MR fluorosco...

Journal: :Nursing administration quarterly 2016
Marjory Williams Alice E Avolio Karen M Ott Rebecca S Miltner

The Office of Nursing Services of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) piloted implementation of the clinical nurse leader (CNL) into the care delivery model and established a strategic goal in 2011 to implement the CNL role across the VA health care system. The VA Office of Nursing Services CNL Implementation and Evaluation (CNL I&E) Service was created as one mechanism to facilitate that g...

Journal: :Int. J. Digital Earth 2011
Chaowei Phil Yang Michael F. Goodchild Qunying Huang Doug Nebert Robert Raskin Yan Xu Myra Bambacus Dan Fay

Spatial cloud computing: how can the geospatial sciences use and help shape cloud computing? Chaowei Yang a , Michael Goodchild b , Qunying Huang a , Doug Nebert c , Robert Raskin d , Yan Xu e , Myra Bambacus f & Daniel Fay e a Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science and Center for Intelligent Spatial Computing, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 22030-4444, USA b Department of Ge...

طورچی, محمد,

The grecn basic ; va lcnt·c KCr1(SQ,j)z(OH)(, i, a hydra ted chromium ,ul fatc which b ~t rucllLra ll y 'imilar to jaro~i t c. This cumpound wa~ flr~ t ~ynth c.~il.ed hy MJt~c h c rli ch ( 1 ~61 / 1240) ill . howevcr , ils X-ra) s tudJ e~ were unllc rlakcn by thc author. In th is stully. the cuhcdral cry)lta ls of KCr1(S04h(OH)" werc ~}'n lh c.,il.cll anll eX:.JInin cli hy o~cillatl ry cr...

Journal: :Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1992
L J Machlin

Reading a book is also kind of better solution when you have no enough money or time to get your own adventure. This is one of the reasons we show the beyond deficiency new views on the function and health effects of vitamin as your friend in spending the time. For more representative collections, this book not only offers it's strategically book resource. It can be a good friend, really good f...


Th e rare melt feature in the GISP2, central Greenland deep ice core have decreased in frequency over th e most recent 7000 years. Calibration of thi s cha nge in melt frequency against mod ern spatia l va ri a tion of melt freq uency and temperaturc in centra l Green la nd , a nd against mod ern temporal variability of temperatures in ccntra l Green land, indica tes that mean mid-summer temper...

Nima Madani John S. Kimball David L.R. Affleck Jens Kattge Jon Graham Peter M. van Bodegom Peter B. Reich Steven W. Running David L. R. Affleck

A com m on assumption o f rem ote sensing-based ligh t use efficiency (LUE) models fo r estimating vegetation gross primary productiv ity (GPP) is tha t plants in a b iom e m atrix operate at the ir photosynthetic capacity under optim a l c iim aticcond itions. A prescribed constant b iom e m axim um ligh t use efficiency parameter (LUEmax) defines the m axim um photosynthetic carbon conversion...

Background: Knowledge of variations in the origin of vertebral artery (VA) is indispensable to vascular surgeons. Aberrant origin of vertebral artery on either side is an uncommon finding. There are unilateral and bilateral variability in VA origin. Case presentation: We present a case of vertebral artery dissection who was found to have bilateral VAs aberrant origin. The right VA took origin ...

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