نتایج جستجو برای: aup

تعداد نتایج: 144  


O n e o f a listener's major tasks in understanding co n t in u o u s speech is seg m en tin g the speech signal into separate words. W hen listening con d it ion s are difficult, speakers can help listeners by deliberate ly speak ing m ore clearly. In four exp er im en ts , we ex a m in ed h ow word boundaries are produced in deliberate ly clear sp eech . D urational m easu rem en ts were take...


An~hcnl c~lnc‘cntrull~>n~ of pL~\-phasc 1~>11;11 pcru\ide\ and h>drogcn per<,\lde \rerc measured during mid-Jul> IC) mid-.Aup\t IYY I. and during June ;lnd carI> July. IYY! ;I[ ;I rural SIIC. SONIA, in the rural Ccnlr;il Prcdmon~ rcfiun of North Cnrolrna ;,I 9 part of the Southern Oxrdants Study. Srmultaneous mcasurcments i\\crc also made of trace gases and mrteoroloprcal parameters. The measur...

J. C. McCarty

cotton are an important source of useful genetic variability (Percival, 1987; Meredith, 1991; McCarty and JenPrimitive accessions of cotton, Gossypium hirsutum L., may prokins, 1992; McCarty et al., 1995). Percival and Kohel vide useful traits for cultivar development. Genetic effects for yield, yield components, and fiber traits were analyzed for five generations (1990) reviewed the collection...

Richard D. Adams Yuwei Kan Qiang Zhang

Reactions of Os3(CO)10(NCMe)2 with HGePh3 have yielded the compounds Os3(CO)10(NCMe)(GePh3)(μ-H) (1) and Os3(CO)10(GePh3)2(μ-H)2 (2) by the sequential replacement of the NCMe ligands and the oxidative addition of the GeH bonds of one and two HGePh3 molecules, respectively, to the osmium atoms of the cluster. Compound 2 exists as two isomers in solution at low temperatures which interconvert rap...

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