نتایج جستجو برای: interior materials

تعداد نتایج: 470770  


A description of the Hochschild cohomology algebra for the symmetric 8-dimensional algebras found by Liu and Schulz is given in terms of generators and relations. The dimensions of the cohomology groups are calculated. §


In this paper we revisit and extend the constructions of Glauberman and Doro on groups with triality and Moufang loops to Hopf algebras. We prove that the universal enveloping algebra of any Lie algebra with triality is a Hopf algebra with triality. This allows us to give a new construction of the universal enveloping algebras of Malcev algebras. Our work relies on the approach of Grishkov and ...

Journal: :Reports on Mathematical Logic 2007
Katarzyna Slomczynska

. 1 Preliminaries Consider the variety Eω generated by the algebra ω := (N, ·), where i · j := max (i, j) for i 6= j, and i · j := 1 for i = j, i, j ∈ N1. These variety is a subvariety of the variety of equivalential algebras E . By an equivalential algebra we mean a grupoid A = (A,↔) that is a subreduct of a Brouwerian semilattice (or, equivalently, a Heyting algebra) with the operation ↔ give...


In this note we describe a seemingly new approach to the complex representation theory of the wreath product G o Sd where G is a finite abelian group. The approach is motivated by an appropriate version of Schur-Weyl duality. We construct a combinatorially defined groupoid in which all endomorphism algebras are direct products of symmetric groups and prove that the groupoid algebra is isomorphi...

Journal: :Discrete Mathematics 2017
Masashi Kosuda Manabu Oura

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the finite group which appears in the study of the Type II Z4-codes. To be precise, it is characterized in terms of generators and relations, and we determine the structure of the centralizer algebras of the tensor representations of this group.

Journal: :Science 2003
Fernanda Hoefel Steve Elgar

Onshore sediment transport and sandbar migration are important to the morphological evolution of beaches but are not well understood. Here, a model that accounts for fluid accelerations in waves predicts the onshore sandbar migration observed on an ocean beach. In both the observations and the model, the location of the maximum acceleration-induced transport moves shoreward with the sandbar, re...

Ivo Düntsch Wendy MacCaull Dimiter Vakarelov Michael Winter

One possible generalization of the notion of (Boolean) contact algebras is to weaken the algebraic structure from Boolean algebras to distributive lattices. The main goal of this paper is to investigate the representation theory of that weaker notion, i.e. whether it is still possible to represent each abstract algebra by a substructure of the regular closed sets of a suitable topological space...

James O’Shea

Constructions of quaternion and octonion algebras, suggested to have new level and sublevel values, are proposed and justified. In particular, octonion algebras of level and sublevel 6 and 7 are constructed. In addition, Hoffmann’s proof of the existence of infinitely many new values for the level of a quaternion algebra is generalised and adapted.


In this paper we begin a classification of simple and semisimple totally antiflexible algebras (finite-dimensional) over splitting fields of char. ^2, 3.. For such an algebra A , let P be the largest associative ideal in A and let /V+ be the radical of P. We determine all simple and semisimple totally antiflexible algebras in which N ■ N =0. Defining A to be of type (m, n) if N is nilpotent of ...


Let V be a vertex operator algebra. We construct a sequence of associative algebras A n (V) (n = 0; 1; 2; :::) such that A n (V) is a quotient of A n+1 (V) and a pair of functors between the category of A n (V)-modules which are not A n?1 (V)-modules and the category of admissible V-modules. These functors exhibit a bijection between the simple modules in each category. We also show that V is r...

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