نتایج جستجو برای: z frame

تعداد نتایج: 247522  

Partial frames provide a rich context in which to do pointfree structured and unstructured topology. A small collection of axioms of an elementary nature allows one to do much traditional pointfree topology, both on the level of frames or locales, and that of uniform or metric frames. These axioms are sufficiently general to include as examples bounded distributive...

Journal: :Journal of Approximation Theory 2007
Marcin Bownik Ole Christensen

Let A ⊂ L2(R) be at most countable, and p, q ∈ N. We characterize various frame-properties for Gabor systems of the form G(1, p/q,A)= {e2 g(x − np/q) : m, n ∈ Z, g ∈ A} in terms of the corresponding frame properties for the row vectors in the Zibulski–Zeevi matrix. This extends work by [Ron and Shen, Weyl–Heisenberg systems and Riesz bases in L2(R d). Duke Math. J. 89 (1997) 237–282], who consi...

D. Farrah S. Serjeant A. Efstathiou M. Rowan-Robinson A. Verma

We present sub-mm photometry for 11 Hyperluminous Infrared Galaxies (HLIRGs, LIR > 10 h 65 L⊙) and use radiative transfer models for starbursts and AGN to examine the nature of the IR emission. In all the sources both a starburst and AGN are required to explain the total IR emission. The mean starburst fraction is 35%, with a range spanning 80% starburst dominated to 80% AGN dominated. In all c...

R. Chary E. Berger L. Cowie

We present deep 3.6 m observations of three z 5 GRB host galaxies with the Spitzer Space Telescope. The host of GRB 060510B, at z 1⁄4 4:942, is detected with a flux density of 0:23 0:04 Jy, corresponding to a rest-frame V -band luminosity of 1:3 ; 10 L , or 0.15 L ;V ; z1⁄43.We do not detect the hosts of GRBs 060223A and 060522 and constrain their rest-frame V -band luminosity to<0.1 L ;V ; z1⁄...

Thomas Strohmer

We analyse the relation between innnite-dimensional frame theory and nite-dimensional models for frames as they are used for numerical algorithms. Special emphasis in this paper is on perfect reconstruction oversampled lter banks, also known as shift-invariant frames. For certain nite-dimensional models it is shown that the corresponding nite dual frame provides indeed an approximation of the d...

Russell Lee-Goldman

The basic syntactic frame of put is X put Y to Z, and a simple paraphrase is ‘X acts on Y such that Y becomes a participant in the event Z.’ I will call Y the pivot and Z the secondary predicate (SP). Possible SPs include motion, order, power, practice, print, use, work, sleep, death, judgement, rebuke, shame. These are just the possibilities for a bare noun SP. Full NPs include (a) vote, (a) c...

S. A. Eales G. Raymond I. G. Roseboom L. Marchetti G. E. Morrison A. M. J. Mortier H. T. Nguyen B. O’Halloran S. J. Oliver A. Omont F. N. Owen M. J. Page M. Pannella P. Panuzzo A. Papageorgiou C. P. Pearson I. Pérez-Fournon M. Pohlen J. I. Rawlings D. Rigopoulou D. L. Shupe A. J. Smith J. A. Stevens L. Wang R. Ward G. Wright C. K. Xu

We have carried out two extremely deep surveys with SPIRE, one of the two cameras on Herschel, at 250 μm, close to the peak of the far-infrared background. We have used the results to investigate the evolution of the rest-frame 250-μm luminosity function out to z = 2. We find evidence for strong evolution out to z 1 but evidence for at most weak evolution beyond this redshift. Our results sugge...

Gerhardt R. Meurer

Estimates of the total metal production rate (ρ̇Z) and star formation rate at z > 2 are based on Lyman break systems observed in the rest-frame ultraviolet (UV). These observations are very sensitive to dust obscuration. Here I elucidate and refine the Meurer et al. (1997) method for calculating UV obscuration, presenting new relationships which accurately model the dust reprocessing of radiatio...

E. Zucca O. Ilbert S. Bardelli L. Tresse G. Zamorani S. Arnouts L. Pozzetti M. Bolzonella D. Bottini B. Garilli V. Le Brun O. Le Fèvre D. Maccagni J. P. Picat R. Scaramella M. Scodeggio G. Vettolani A. Zanichelli C. Adami M. Arnaboldi A. Cappi S. Charlot P. Ciliegi T. Contini S. Foucaud P. Franzetti I. Gavignaud L. Guzzo A. Iovino H. J. McCracken B. Marano C. Marinoni A. Mazure B. Meneux R. Merighi S. Paltani R. Pellò A. Pollo M. Radovich M. Bondi A. Bongiorno G. Busarello O. Cucciati L. Gregorini F. Lamareille G. Mathez Y. Mellier P. Merluzzi V. Ripepi D. Rizzo

Received – – —-; accepted – – —-Abstract. From the first epoch observations of the VIMOS VLT Deep Survey (VVDS) up to z = 1. 5 we have derived luminosity functions of different spectral type galaxies. The VVDS data , covering ∼ 70% of the life of the Universe , allow for the first time to study from the same sample and with good statistical accuracy the evolution of the luminosity functions by ...

Harald Wuest Folker Wientapper Didier Stricker

In this paper we present a novel analysis-by-synthesis approach for real-time camera tracking in industrial scenarios. The camera pose estimation is based on the tracking of line features which are generated dynamically in every frame by rendering a polygonal model and extracting contours out of the rendered scene. Different methods of the line model generation are investigated. Depending on th...

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