Contents: The classes of 1988 and 1989 provided funds to build the Duck Pond gazebo. In this lovely spot, Virginia Tech students, alumni, and visitors study, feed the birds, and take in the beauty of the pond throughout the seasons.
In this paper, we introduce a system, Sentence Planning Using Description, which generates collocations within the paradigm of sentence planning. SPUD simultaneously constructs the semantics and syntax of a sentence using a Lexicalized Tree Adjoining Grammar (LTAG). This approach captures naturally and elegantly the interaction between pragmatic and syntactic constraints on descriptions in a se...
Following an earlier paper in the journal in which Evans argued that it was commercial exploitation, not mere payment, that was morally objectionable about certain sorts of organ donation, this paper looks at the moral issues when commercial exploitation is eliminated from systems of paid organ donation. It argues that there are no conclusive moral arguments against such schemes for non-exploit...
Although approximately one-half of the global disease burden due to the major helminthic infections occurs among the poor living in rich economies, almost all of the public support for helminth control and research and development comes out of the United States and Europe.