نتایج جستجو برای: minimal ideal

تعداد نتایج: 234992  

Journal: :Body image 2010
Kristin Homan

Although internalization of the thin ideal has been extensively researched and is now regarded as a risk factor for eating disturbance, endorsement of the firm, athletic body ideal has received only minimal attention. This short-term longitudinal study explored whether internalization of two aspects of the current cultural ideal (thinness and athleticism) prospectively predicted three potential...

Journal: :Journal of Symbolic Computation 2021

In this paper we revisit the family of algebroid space curves defined by Moh and find an explicit minimal generating set for defining ideal.

Journal: :bulletin of the iranian mathematical society 2014
themba dube oghenetega ighedo

let $l$ be a completely regular frame and $mathcal{r}l$ be the ‎ring of continuous real-valued functions on $l$‎. ‎we show that the‎ ‎lattice $zid(mathcal{r}l)$ of $z$-ideals of $mathcal{r}l$ is a‎ ‎normal coherent yosida frame‎, ‎which extends the corresponding $c(x)$‎ ‎result of mart'{i}nez and zenk‎. ‎this we do by exhibiting‎ ‎$zid(mathcal{r}l)$ as a quotient of $rad(mathcal{r}l)$‎, ‎the‎ ‎...

Ion Mihai

Roughly speaking, an ideal immersion of a Riemannian manifold into a space form is an isometric immersion which produces the least possible amount of tension from the ambient space at each point of the submanifold. Recently, B.-Y. Chen studied Lagrangian submanifolds in complex space forms which are ideal. He proved that such submanifolds are minimal. He also classified ideal Lagrangian submani...

Journal: :Electr. J. Comb. 2003
Jaume Martí-Farré Carles Padró

One of the main open problems in secret sharing is the characterization of the ideal access structures. This problem has been studied for several families of access structures with similar results. Namely, in all these families, the ideal access structures coincide with the vector space ones and, besides, the optimal information rate of a non-ideal access structure is at most 2/3. An access str...


Let S be a set of n ideals of a commutative ring A and let Geven (respectively Godd) denote the product of all the sums of even (respectively odd) number of ideals of S. If n ≤ 6 the product of Geven and the intersection of all ideals of S is included in Godd. In the case A is an Noetherian integral domain, this inclusion is replaced by equality if and only if A is a Dedekind domain.


The concept of a 0-distributive poset is introduced. It is shown that a section semicomplemented poset is distributive if and only if it is 0-distributive. It is also proved that every pseudocomplemented poset is 0-distributive. Further, 0-distributive posets are characterized in terms of their ideal lattices.

Ezra Miller

Alexander duality has, in the past, made its way into commutative algebra through Stanley-Reisner rings of simplicial complexes. This has the disadvantage that one is limited to squarefree monomial ideals. The notion of Alexander duality is generalized here to arbitrary monomial ideals. It is shown how this duality is naturally expressed by Bass numbers, in their relations to the Betti numbers ...

Journal: :J. Symb. Comput. 2000
Giovannina Albano Francesca Cioffi Ferruccio Orecchia I. Ramella

The problem of computing a minimal set of generators for the ideal of a rational parametric projective curve has been tackled by elimination theory and can be solved by the computation of Gröbner bases (see, for example Kalkbrener, 1991; Licciardi and Mora, 1994; Gao and Chou, 1992; Fix et al., 1996, and references therein). These methods have been implemented in CoCoA 3.6 (Capani et al., 1995)...

S. P. Dutta

We address two aspects of finitely generated modules of finite projective dimension over local rings and their connection in between: embeddability and grade of order ideals of minimal generators of syzygies. We provide a solution of the embeddability problem and prove important reductions and special cases of the order ideal conjecture. In particular we derive that in any local ring R of mixed...

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