نتایج جستجو برای: magma mixing

تعداد نتایج: 71073  

William I. Rose

Multiple volcanic eruptions occurred between 8500 and 9000 yr. B.P. from the central crater of CitiaitCpetl Volcano generating a series of pyroclastic flows that formed a deposit with a total volume of about 0.26 km3 (D.R.E.). The flows descended in all directions around the crater, but they were mostly controlled by topography and deposited in valleys or local topographic depressions up to abo...

P. F. Dobson S. Maruyama

An Eocene submarine boninite series volcanic center is exposed on the island of Chichi-jima, Bonin Islands, Japan. Five rock types, boninite, bronzite andesite, dacite, quartz dacite, and rhyolite, were distinguished within the boninite volcanic sequence on the basis of petrographic and geochemical observations. Boninite lavas contain high magnesium, nickel, and chromium contents indicative of ...

Paul Wallace

Glasses from Mauna Loa pillow basalts, recent subaerial vents, and inclusions in olivine were analyzed for S, Cl, F, and major elements by electron microprobe. Select submarine glasses were also analyzed for H2O and CO2 by infrared spectroscopy. The compositional variation of these tholeiitic glasses is dominantly controlled by crystal fractionation and they indicate quenching temperatures of 1...


The Bushveld Complex formed by the crystallization of successive basaltic magmatism may be of the order of several million years. For example, the Columbia River Basalts (Hooper, injections of magma, which were sufficiently closely spaced in time that each previous magma had not cooled and differentiated 1988) were erupted in the period 17–12 Ma, with minor eruptions for a further 5 my, althoug...

Michael McCurry

Introduction: Although mafic components of dominantly intermediate to silicic ignimbrites are rather common, voluminous, dominantly mafic ignimbrites are rare (e.g., Smith, 1979; cf. Freundt and Schmincke, 1995). Volcán Villarrica, the most active composite volcano in South America, located in the Southern Andean Volcanic Zone (SAVZ, López-Escobar and Moreno, 1994a), has produced two such ignim...

زال, فرهاد, احمدی خلجی, احمد , طهماسبی, زهرا ,

Tourmaline nodules in the Mashhad granites (g2) formed of two parts: dark core and white halo which are scattered in the leucocratic granites. Petrographic studies of these parts (core, white halo and host granite) show tourmaline accumulation in core, quartz, muscovite, microcline and orthoclase accumulation in white halo and quartz, plagioclase, microcline, muscovite and biotite accumulation ...

Karimpour, , Almasi, , Mazaheri, , Miri Beydokhti, ,

The Balazard prospecting area is located about 120 km southwest of Nehbandan city, Khorasan Jonoobi Province, in the central parts of Lut block volcano-plutonic belt.  The intrusion of a granitoid pluton into rhyolitic and andesitic rocks has led to alteration and mineralization. Hydrothermal alteration zones consist of argillic, sericite-argillic, silicic-argillic, propylitic, and advanced arg...

J. A. Hurowitz S. M. McLennan

Introduction: Two-component geochemical mixing relationships are expressed in a variety of geologic processes on Earth. Examples of mixing in igneous systems might include mixing between two or more magma bodies [1]. In sedimentary systems, mixing may be seen in rocks which are the product of the erosion of two different terranes bordering a depositional basin [2]. In impact systems, mixing bet...

Yang Liu Michael J. Spicuzza John W. Valley Lawrence A. Taylor

Introduction: Oxygen isotopes of planetary materials provide important constraints on the genesis and evolution of their parent planetary bodies. The general consensus about the formation of Earth-Moon system is that a Mars-sized planetary body impacted a proto-Earth off center and contributed 70%-90% of its material to the Moon [1,2]. The impactor (Thea) is not expected to have the identical o...

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